It's my first time traveling abroad,my heart bubbled with joy at the thought of going on a tour.I have always loved exploring but there wasn't a chance to do so.

“Give me a few minutes to shower,eat breakfast and then go to places to visit today,” he said, heading towards the room.

When Ronald informed me about the plan to visit a tourist center in Italy,my heart radiated more warmth making me smile.

The ride to the tourist center was serene as a sweet Italian melody blast from the car's Bluetooth speaker.

Glancing out of the window, my mind couldn't help but wonder “ Italy is heart stoppingly beautiful.” My lips curled in delight.

Upon getting to the tourist center, a tourist guide led us around, showing us the colosseum. “Wow” I uttered, Totally blown away by the colosseum's sheer scale.

As we toured with our guide, we bumped into the couples from the villa. Their eyes shone with warmth inviting us to dinner while the tour guide excused us.