As soon as I stepped into the house,every bone in my body screamed tiredness. I was greeted by the workers as I went up to the master bedroom.
Getting to the room, I glanced through the room and didn't see Ronald,placed my bag on the bag rack, stripped myself bare and went into the bathroom. I came back to the room and sat in front of the mirror, tying my hair into a bun when the door opened, revealing Ronald.
My face relaxed into a smile “I didn't realize you were home,”
“Same here, I've been home for a while. Finishing work and all,” he said, hands in his pocket.
“I just got back,” I said, still focused on moisturizing my face.
" How was your outing? How did your appointment go?” he asked, rubbing his neck.
I stopped mid way, my hands off my face. I turned, glancing at him. ‘Did he just ask me about my outing?’ I yelled in my thoughts. ‘ Is this the Ronald I know or another? He is so full of surprises,”