I hesitated for a moment before answering,my mind racing with questions ‘Ethan? Why is he calling me?’ I muttered under my breath. I picked the call. “Hey, Emily!" His warm, cheerful voice filled the line, the opposite of my guarded demeanor.
I twirled a strand of hair around my finger,a nervous habit I thought I’d long outgrown “Hi,"
" How are your day going?"he asked, his tone light and friendly.
" It's fine, thanks." My response was curt but I didn't mean to be rude. I was just… cautious.
Ethan didn't seem to notice. “ Good, good. I was thinking we should grab coffee sometime? Catch up on old times?”
I paused, my mind racing. Why was Ethan reaching out now? “ Coffee?” I repeated stalling.
“Yeah, just a friendly chat,” his tone was easy going but I detected a hint of sincerity underneath. " I know this might be uncomfortable due to our past relationship. Give us a chance to be friends again, I promise never to disappoint you again.” He