The warmth of the morning ray seeped into the room, spreading across my face. My eyes creaked open slowly and a tired yawn escaped my mouth. I went into the bathroom for a shower then slipped into a pair of dark blue jeans, and a comfortable button down shirt with sleeves rolled down my elbow as I felt ready for the day.
I brought out my laptop, drinking a cup of water as I began to check on work. I checked the time and realized I time passed so quickly, I decided to take a break from work after spending 2hr on it.
I thought of Emily and I wondered what she was up to. I wanted to know how she is coping with the volunteering work so I took a break from work and went outside.
I stood up, stretching my hands over my head as I made my way out of the room. I walked to the village, asking a few locals if they had seen Emily. One of the locals pointed in the direction of a small group of volunteers who seemed to be in a discussion.