The phone rang once,went silent, I was tempted to answer the call when Mia and a nurse walked into the ward.

“Hello , ma'am. How are you feeling now?” The nurse asked. “I'm better. Huh.. when can I get discharged?” I said, hoping that she would give me a positive answer.

“You are fit to go home now but you have to get these drugs to recover fully,” she said,removing the used drip. “You can get the drugs from the nurses in the reception and also make sure you have enough rest,”

In Mia's car, I sat quietly,lost in thoughts,looking ahead gloomily that I didn't notice that Mia had been looking at me.

“Em, Emily," she called, making me jerk out of my well of thoughts. Tears welled up in my eyes again, threatening to break the barriers stopping them.

“I don't think I can ever forgive myself for losing my little one," I said as the barrier broke.