What You Mean To Me (2)

Zhu Ming Yue, who had been enjoying the food since a moment ago, also left the table. Shun, on the other hand, had retired to his room to think.

[What's on your mind, Master?]

Mia appeared seeing how Shun was troubled and asked him the reason for his troubles. Not reacting in any way, Mia approached him even closer and asked once more, [Master, talk to me! Tell me what's bothering you!]

As Mia kept insisting, Shun retorted to her, “ My only aim for being here is to reverse Zhu Ming Yue's fate, allowing her to find true happiness, but something I never expected is now happening and I don't know what to do. “

[By something you never expected, are you speaking of Zhu Ming Yue's sudden attachment to you?]

The conversation between Shun and Mia was interrupted by a sudden knock on the door.

Walking by the door to open it, he saw Zhu Ming Yue standing in front of his room. “ Lady Ming Yue, is there something you need? “ He asked, startled.

“ There's something I need to talk to you about. May I come inside? “

Looking more determined than ever, Shun let her inside his room.

The moment she was inside, she asked a question that Shun found to be rather strange, “ Shun, are you uncomfortable with me? “

“ What? “

Harboring a shocked expression, Zhu Ming Yue continued, “ You must be uncomfortable with me and that's why you left the dining hall like that, right? “

Shun was buzzed and lost for words. “ If you weren't uncomfortable, you wouldn't have left me alone? “ She added to her recent statement.

Mia, who was still in sight, shared what she thought about the situation with Shun.

[Master, Zhu Ming Yue is getting attached to you, so why are you not happy about it? Wasn't your greatest wish to be close to your favorite character?]

Retorting telepathically to Mia, Shun said, “ How can I be happy when I know I'll have to return at some point? I don't belong to this world and you know it. The moment I cease to exist in this world, what will happen to Zhu Ming Yue? What about her feelings? “

[Master, don't think about what hasn't happened yet and only think about the present, this moment.]

“ Shun, are you still with me? “

Back to his senses, he looked at Zhu Ming Yue and said, “ Sorry, Lady Ming Yue. About your question, I didn't leave the dining table because I was feeling uncomfortable to be around you. Your presence could never make me feel that way. You mean too much to me for such an occurrence to occur. “

Realizing how his words could be easily misunderstood, he rectified his statement, “ What I mean to say is, nothing matters to me more than your happiness and if being around me makes you happy, then so be it “

Ending the statement there, Zhu Ming Yue returned to her room and both of them were able to get some quality needed rest.

The following morning, as Shun was getting ready, Mia asked him, [About what you told me yesterday—-----------]

“ I think you're right, Mia. “ Shun interrupted her. “ I shouldn't focus on things I cannot change for now. Instead, I should focus on things I can do for now. Thanks, Mia for making me see that. “ He grinned slightly.

[You're welcome, Master!]

Moments later, as both were done getting ready, they joined in the living hall. The moment Zhu Ming Yue saw Shun before her, she was taken aback by how handsome he truly looked alongside his new haircut. It was the first time that she was able to notice such things.

“ Shun, you look so beautiful. “ She said while grinning.

Slightly embarrassed by the compliment, he retorted, “ You're just as breathtaking, Lady Ming Yue. “

Leaving the Zhu Household, they departed to the palace.

Moments later, they arrived, mesmerizing everyone in the room. Zhu Zhi Rong and Lidian Hyster were irked seeing all the attention they were getting.

When the emperor made his way inside, an hour later, Zhu Ming Yue greeted him respectfully while Shun remained as stiff as a board.

“ Aren't you going to greet me? “ The emperor questioned Shun who just stood there without a word. Zhu Ming Yue also wanted to know why he wasn't greeting the emperor.

Looking on, Shun uttered, “ I'm not one of your people, so why exactly should I greet you? “

Hearing what Shun had said, everyone in the room was stunned, including Zhu Ming Yue.

“ What makes you think you're not one of my people? “ The emperor questioned once more and Shun retorted, “ That's because I'm not from your country. The place from which I originated is not ruled by a king, so I cannot be one of your people. “

Listening to his reason, the emperor couldn't say anymore and instead said, “ In that case, why don't you become one of this country's people and serve under me? “

Listening to the emperor's wants, it didn't take long for Shun to give him a firm response. “ I'm not interested in the offer, thank you very much. “

“ Lady Ming Yue, should we greet everyone else? “

“ Okay! See you, Your Majesty! “

The moment Shun and Zhu Ming Yue were gone, Zhu Zhi Rong and Lidian Hyster approached the emperor. Zhi Rong commented, “ That's him. He's the one because of which we couldn't eliminate Ming Yue last time and he's also the one responsible for awakening her powers for good. “

“ Ming Yue has changed a lot because of him. She no longer cares about me and even rebukes me. “ Lidian Hyster complained to the emperor who in turn didn't give a damn about his complaints.

“ So that boy is the lifeline of Zhu Ming Yue, isn't it? “ The emperor asked the two who nodded affirmatively before him. “ What if we break that lifeline, what will happen to Zhu Ming Yue then? “

The emperor alongside Zhu Zhi Rong and Lidian Hyster smirked sarcastically while no one was looking their way.

Zhu Ming Yue and Shun Song at the time were getting acquainted with the other guests, but at some point, Shun left.

Noticing his absence, Zhu Ming Yue went looking for him. After lots of searching, she found him on the terrace.

“ Shun, what are you doing here by yourself? Is there something wrong? “ She asked worriedly.

Retorting hypothetically, he asked, “ Lady Ming Yue, tell me something, would you? “

“ What? “

“ If one day I were to disappear, would you be disheartened by my absence? “


“ Shun, what are you saying all of a sudden? Are you going somewhere? Are you leaving me? “ She asked as she was on the verge of breaking apart.

Seeing the emotions in her eyes, Shun received the answer to his question without even hearing it.

“ Lady Ming Yue, why are you making that face? I was only joking with you. Don't be so serious! “ He brushed the matter off with a refreshing smile.

“ Don't make such jokes in the future. You worried me there! “ Zhu Ming Yue said to Shun who was about to say something but couldn't.

“ Lady Ming Yue, what are you—--------? “

“ Lady Ming Yue, hold down for a moment, please! “ Shun begged her to wait as she was about to bite him.

“ I'm hungry and can no longer wait, so will you please let me have some of your blood? “