Transfer student

The following morning, two of the 'witch hunter's trio' found themselves sprawled across Raphaela's bedroom floor like debris from an overturned trash can. Jasmine, meanwhile, was curled up comfortably on the bed, all three only stirring when the alarm's shrill cry pierced the air.

Ben, his consciousness slowly crawling back, stumbled to his feet. He silenced the alarm with a clumsy swat, then unceremoniously shoved Jasmine aside before collapsing onto the bed, instantly slipping back into oblivion.

Moments later, a thunderous pounding rattled the door. "Raphaela!" her father's voice boomed. "You better get moving, or you'll be late for school!"

"Five more minutes," Raphaela mumbled, burrowing deeper into her pillow.

But peace was short-lived. Her father's persistent knocking returned with a vengeance. "Raphaela? Are you alright in there? I'm coming in."

Raphaela jolted awake, her heart racing. "Just a sec!" she yelped. Throwing back the covers, she was greeted by the sight of Ben, fast asleep and - to her horror - sucking his thumb. "What the-" she hissed, panic rising in her throat.

"Okay, I'm coming in now," her father warned, the doorknob already turning.

In a flash of desperate inspiration, Raphaela shot a web at the skylight. With inhuman strength, she yanked Ben from the bed and launched him through the opening just as the door swung wide.

"What was that noise?" her father asked, suspicion etched on his face.

"Oh, just the skylight slamming shut," Raphaela lied, her voice an octave too high. "Must've forgotten to close it properly."

"You should be more careful," her father began. "You don't want-"

"Hey, Mr. Gomes!" Jasmine's cheerful voice cut through the tension as she flung off the covers. Diego, caught completely off-guard, instinctively drew his gun, its barrel now aimed squarely at Jasmine's forehead.

"Jasmine?!" he exclaimed, lowering the weapon with shaking hands. "I could have blown your brains out!"

"Please don't," Jasmine quipped, raising her hands in mock surrender. "I'm rather attached to them. You know, for living and stuff."

Diego's eyes narrowed. "Honestly, if you'd been that Ben boy..."

"Dad, come on," Raphaela interjected. "Ben's not that bad. If you'd just give him a chance-"

The fight seemed to drain from Diego in an instant. His shoulders slumped, and he suddenly looked much older. "I'm going downstairs," he muttered. "The last thing I need this early is a debate about my daughter's... romantic entanglements." He shuffled towards the door, his usual confident stride nowhere to be seen.

"I'm just kidding, Dad!" Raphaela called after him, desperation creeping into her voice. "You have my full permission to murder him!"

But Diego was already gone, the soft click of the door the only response to her attempt at humor.

Raphaela flopped back onto her bed, staring at the ceiling. How had a simple sleepover turned into such chaos? And more importantly - where the hell had she flung Ben?

Suddenly, a figure dropped through the skylight, landing with a soft thud. Ben straightened up, his hair tousled and a mischievous grin on his face. "Wow, what an exhilarating wake-up call! Though I didn't realize you were so eager to get rid of me, Raphaela." His tone was light, but his eyes sparkled with amusement.

"Ben, I was just-" Raphaela began, flustered.

"Relax," he cut her off, glancing at his watch. His eyes widened. "Geez, look at the time! Hey, could you whip up a portal for me? I need to dash home, grab a shower, and bolt to school."

"Ooh, me too!" Jasmine chimed in, bouncing on the balls of her feet.

Raphaela shook her head, her brow furrowed. "Sorry, Ben, I can't make you one - I don't know where you live. Plus, Jasmine, my dad's already seen you. If you vanish into thin air, he'll definitely smell something fishy."

Ben nodded sagely. "True that. And don't bother asking for my address either, ladies. A man's got to keep some air of mystery." He winked, then added, "How about a portal to the basement next door? I can find my way from there." His gaze shifted to Jasmine, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "But you, Miss Bedhead, are stuck. What's your grand plan? Show up to school all stinky in yesterday's clothes?"

Jasmine rolled her eyes, but a smirk played on her lips. "Nice try, genius. I'm getting a portal straight to my room to grab my stuff. Then I'll shower and change here." She stuck her tongue out at him triumphantly.

"Well, well," Ben said, feigning shock. "Didn't know that puppy brain of yours could come up with such a brilliant plan."

"Portal to the basement is ready," Raphaela announced flatly, clearly done with their banter.

"Thanks, Raph," Ben said, flashing her a warm smile. He hopped through the shimmering gateway, offering a jaunty wave before it winked out of existence.

Jasmine was next, zipping through her own portal and returning moments later, arms laden with clothes and toiletries. The girls took turns showering and getting ready, the stress of their chaotic morning slowly melting away.

Downstairs, they grabbed a quick breakfast, carefully avoiding Diego's questioning gaze. As they stepped out into the crisp morning air, they found Ben waiting, leaning casually against a lamppost.

"Ladies," he said with an exaggerated bow. "Shall we?"

The trio set off towards school, their laughter and chatter filling the air. To any passerby, they looked like ordinary teenagers, without a care in the world. But beneath their carefree exteriors, each of them felt a strange tension, an inexplicable sense that something was... off.

As the school building loomed into view, none of them could shake the feeling that today wasn't going to be just another normal day. Little did they know, a dangerous presence lurked within those familiar halls, waiting to turn their world upside down.

Mr. Cummings burst into the classroom, his face lit up with an almost manic grin. The usually dour teacher looked as if he'd just won the lottery.

"Good morning, class!" he exclaimed, practically bouncing on his heels. "I hope you all had a restful night because I certainly did. Now, you're probably wondering why I'm in such high spirits today. Well, let me enlighten you - it's payday!" He rubbed his hands together gleefully. "And you know what that means? Tonight, I'm treating myself to the fanciest restaurant in town, ordering the most outrageously expensive dish on the menu!"

A few students exchanged bemused glances, unused to seeing their teacher so animated.

"But wait, there's more!" Mr. Cummings continued. "Today isn't just special for me. We have the pleasure of welcoming a new student, all the way from Kyoto, Japan." He turned towards the door, gesturing dramatically. "Please, come in and introduce yourself!"

The classroom door swung open, and a hush fell over the room. A girl stepped in, and it was as if time itself slowed down. Her long, silky hair seemed to float on an invisible breeze, framing a face that could have graced magazine covers. She moved with an otherworldly grace that immediately set her apart.

Jasmine leaned in close to Ben and Raphaela, her voice barely above a whisper. "Guys, is it just me, or does she look eerily familiar?"

Ben's eyes narrowed, his posture suddenly tense. "It doesn't just seem familiar, Jas. It is her."

The new girl bowed slightly, a polite smile gracing her lips. "Konnichiwa. My name is Akira Mae, and I'm looking forward to getting to know you all."

Her introduction was met with a chorus of excited murmurs from the boys in class, their reaction bordering on the ridiculous. Mr. Cummings' good mood evaporated instantly.

"Quiet!" he barked, his face reddening. When the chatter continued, he slammed his hand on the desk. "I said QUIET! Good grief, is this the first time you've laid eyes on a girl, you uncultured bumpkins?"

As the class settled, Mr. Cummings pinched the bridge of his nose, muttering something about his blood pressure. "Miss Mae," he said, forcing his voice to remain calm, "there's an empty seat next to Miss Richman. Jasmine, raise your hand, please."

Jasmine hesitantly raised her hand, then pointed to the vacant desk beside her. As Akira glided towards the empty seat, Jasmine exchanged a loaded glance with Ben and Raphaela. The tension in the air was palpable, and all three knew that their already complicated lives had just become exponentially more complex.

Akira settled into her seat, turning to Jasmine with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "I hope we can be good friends," she said sweetly, but there was an underlying current to her words that sent a chill down Jasmine's spine.

"There you go," Mr. Cummings said with a perfunctory bow, already losing interest.

Akira glided down the aisle, her smile enigmatic as she took her seat. "Good morning," she purred, her gaze sweeping over the trio. "How are we all doing today?"

Ben's eyes narrowed. "Cut the act, Akira. What are you doing here?"

A tinkling laugh escaped her lips. "Oh, you've got it all wrong. I'm not Akira. It's me, Tamamono, master of transfiguration and body possession. Just dropping by to check on my favorite little pawns."

Raphaela's voice was steel. "What do you want?"

"Still bitter about yesterday, I see." Tamamono's eyes gleamed. "But I assure you, my intentions are... mostly harmless."

Mr. Cummings' voice cut through their hushed conversation. "Miss Gomez and Miss Mae, I'm thrilled you're bonding, but save it for recess. And Miss Mae?" His eyes narrowed. "Steer clear of Ben Bens Hur Junior. He's trouble with a capital T."

"Of course, sir," Tamamono replied, the picture of innocence.

When the bell finally signaled break time, the 'Witch Hunters' Trio' swarmed Tamamono like antibodies attacking a virus.

Ben's patience had worn thin. "Spill it. Why are you really here?"

Tamamono twirled a lock of hair around her finger. "Like I said, making sure you haven't forgotten our little arrangement or tried to pull a disappearing act."

Raphaela scoffed. "Run away? We're broke teenagers, not master criminals."

"Oh, sweetie," Tamamono's voice dripped condescension. "Have you forgotten your newfound talents? Draw a pentagram, picture your destination, and poof! As for money..." Her smile turned wicked. "Well, there are always weaker minds to dominate."

"Hard pass on the tyrannical overlord bit," Raphaela muttered.

Ben cut to the chase. "What's the job?"

Tamamono's eyes lit up. "Ah, Hastur or Ben, not really sure but so, Impatient as ever. But you'll be pleased to know this mission is a cakewalk compared to your last."

Jasmine, who'd been uncharacteristically quiet, spoke up. "And that would be...?"

"Unlike Marbas, I'm not asking for murder. All I want is the return of what's rightfully mine."

"Which is?" Ben pressed.

Tamamono's playful demeanor vanished. "My son's head. So I can finally lay him to rest."

A beat of stunned silence. Then, "Who exactly is your son?" Ben asked, dread creeping into his voice.


Raphaela's eyes went wide. "Hold up ,Shuten-dōji .? The Oni King? But that was like, two thousand years ago! How are we supposed to find where Raiko buried it?" She paused, confusion etching her features. "Wait, how do I even know that?"

Tamamono's interest piqued. "Fascinating. It seems some of the original, Jorogumo's memories lingered after your little body-swap adventures."

Jasmine groaned. "And here I thought we might catch a break. But no, life's gotta keep dumping on us."

"Relax," Tamamono soothed. "Lucky for you, I know exactly who has it."

The trio leaned in, tension palpable. "Who?" they demanded in unison.

Tamamono's smile was razor-sharp. "Osiris."

The color drained from Jasmine's face as she slumped back into her seat. "You want us to steal from the God of the Dead? Are you insane?"

Tamamono's lips curled into a wicked smile. "Oh, Osiris isn't the one you should lose sleep over. It's his guard dog, Anubis, who'll give you nightmares."

Raphaela's brow furrowed. "But why does Osiris have your son's head in the first place?"

Tamamono's eyes glittered with a mix of pride and sorrow. "Picture this: Anubis, guide of souls, faced with a headless spirit. Imagine his shock, his... failure." Her voice dropped to a whisper. "He searched, found the head still alive, tried to destroy it countless times. But my son? He'd become too powerful, immortal." A dark chuckle escaped her. "Now it hangs above Osiris' throne, a constant reminder of Anubis' inadequacy."

Ben leaned in, his voice low. "So your son... he's still alive?"

"Alive and seething," Tamamono confirmed. "Cursing existence itself. I have his body, but reunite it with the head?" Her eyes flashed. "His soul will snap back like a rubber band."

Jasmine exhaled sharply. "Sounds like a real cakewalk," she muttered, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"How long do we have?" Ben demanded.

Tamamono's smile widened. "I'm not unreasonable like Marbas. Two weeks to prepare, one to execute. Oh, and a little gift – Akira's encyclopedic knowledge of your powers. Strengths, weaknesses, it's all there for the taking." She extended her hand. "Do we have a deal? Not that you have much choice."

The trio exchanged glances, a silent conversation passing between them. Finally, Ben spoke. "Like you said, not much of a choice. Deal."

As they shook hands, a chill ran down their spines. Tamamono's eyes glittered with triumph. "Excellent. See you at the training grounds."

In a blink, Tamamono vanished, leaving Akira's confused brown eyes in her wake.

Later, as they approached their headquarters, an ominous feeling settled over the group. Tamamono stood waiting, clad in Aikido attire, flanked by two imposing figures – a woman with an aura of ancient power and a man wielding a samurai sword that seemed to hum with barely contained energy.

Tamamono's grin was pure malice. "Welcome, my little pawns, to your own personal hell week! I'm your senior torment- I mean, teacher." She gestured to her companions. "Meet Kiyohime, the legendary dragon woman, and Sasaki Kojiro, second only to Musashi himself in swordsmanship."

The air crackled with tension as Tamamono's eyes raked over them. "I hope you're ready to push past every limit you thought you had. By the time we're done, you'll either be ready to face the gods... or you'll wish you'd never been born."

The 'Witch Hunters' Trio' shared a look of dawning horror. They'd signed up for training, but this... this was going to be a crucible that would forge them anew – if it didn't break them first.

Tamamono clapped her hands together, the sound like a gunshot in the tense silence. "Now then, shall we begin?"