One More Unit Down

The first unit that was among the people was the most threatening because the civilians were defenceless again actual stealth unit. Finding this unit was a bit hectic as the unit members dispersed during the day and only met in the evenings at their hideout. All Darko had to do was seek answers from the end; he monitored one unit member that he managed to find and as expected, he led Darko to their hideout. Now was his chance, take them all out at once or risk a breach.

Darko climbed on the trees nearby, positioned himself in a way that he could see all four members and took out his gun. He put on his silencer and with careful calculated precision and hand movements, the bullets got their targets.

Quickly, he got down to confirm that none of them were half dead. In any case, he just could not afford that. He went down over to them and shot directly at their already failing and rotten hearts to nullify their chances of survival.

A few moments later, Darko soon realized his mistake. He should have left one for questioning but it couldn't be helped. What really mattered now was that two units down, eight more to go.