unknown ceo

carry mimi was like moving a truck.she looked slimed but she is so heavy 'stop singing'i said giving her a last warning

she sang louder almost yelling.is it the soju or is she naturally stubborn


'mimi i think i have to call my omma .i dont think i can leave you in this state ' i spoke pushing her off from my back . 'mom' i called out after dialing her number


'mom. im not coming home tonight.i am staying over at mimi apartment ' will she allow me ???

'uh ...ok.but find a job over there '

'hmm' I quickly hang up the call .i dont need to hear the same word everyday . 'mimi lets go'

'????'no reply from

wait where is mimi .i left her here so where is she now ...have some bandit come over to kidnapped her when i was talking to my mom on the phone .And she is soo drunk

'she is with him ' a deep voice echoed to my ear . i turn towards the voice heard. and someone's was standing there

A man dressed in a black suit. his hair was rich,dark brown matching his eyes. his piercing brown eyes sparkle with warmth and kindness.his nose was straight and propotional to his facial features,his skin was as white has a dove .he was so handsome even though i tried to ignore this beauty displayed in front of me

' who.. are.. you 'i stammered wondering who could be this young handsome man standing

'i am yoongi'his voice was so deep and commanding

'oh. where is my friend?'

'she is with namjoon 'he replied with his sweet deep voice

'what!'i spoke hurriedly.i dont want her to cause trouble out there like she did in the bar .'can i meet her pls 'i pleaded to him

'uh'he uttered.every sound of his voice sent a sweet tingling all over my body.could he just continue speaking ,even though a dark aura kept moving with him.He moved down to a dark Hyundai grandeur car . is he also rich ??

Hyundai grandeur car is one of the famous car in Seoul.

even though i really didn't want to enter his car but what could i do when mimi is out there .

the door was opened as i sat on the passenger seat.

i couldn't understand what he was saying sinve he was speaking English to the 3 men dressed in a business suit and some shady dark eyeglasses .i tried convincing my self he wasn't a kidnapper but someone with a hansome face and dark aura

'are you ready ?'he spoke in korea once again as i nodded my head in approval . he then inserted the car keys and turn it clockwise and also steer it steeling wheel as it moved in speed

* * *

in a large mansion :

'leave me! i dont want to come in'mimi loud raspy voice echoed at the mansion 'leave me !where is sucy, i want sucy not you namjoon so please leave my way 'her raspy voice echoed more louder than the first .she hit him violently trying so hard to escape on his grip

'look at me .look at me 'he said holding her face so gently so she could look at him ,but there isn't any hope any time soon for both of them to come back

'no i wont' still facing the floor

'i am not going to hurt you mimi.but begged.there is nothing going on between me and my secretary'he convinced her more 'i love you and no one else mimi 'he broke out pouring his love to her

'stop please 'she pleaded 'i don't need it anymore .maybe i am sick of hearing this same word everyday '.it broke his heart that the girl he once loved don't trust him anymore and scattered his heart like a piece of glass

'if you don't have anything to say anymore.i would be taking my leave ' she bowed her head down a little then raise after a min with tears flowing like a loose damp .she slightly removed his hand from hers and hang her yellow design bag on her left shoulder

'mimi' i called out witnesing the incident displaying on the mansion .i felt a little pain seeing mimi tried to hide her feeling for him

'lets go home' she said running towards me as i quickly Trapped her with my warm small hands

rain suddenly poured out from the dark gray cloud causing a melody at the top of the roof on the mansion ..its so wrong for nature to pour out now during this Breakup series

'why dont you both spend the night here'namjoon suggested as i stared at the sleeping beauty on my arms.


' can i 'he asked raising his arm for him to carry mimi

yes please go on before i loose my breath ..i nodded as he carried her to the stairs

maybe i am left alone with him now (yoongi).i quickly stole a glance at him .he is so good looking and rich but he is not my type

the steady rain cause a cozy atmosphere making me want to curl up with an interesting book and warm cup of nice coffee but because of the sound of laptop being oprated. i driffted to sleep suddenly


i slowly emerged from the haze of sleep,the sun warmth and it golden light shinny over at the living room which i had slept last night. i sat gently on the couch as i stretch my body horizontal.. is that not yoongi .i squirted my eyes staring at the figure operating on the laptop so fast . didn't he had any sleep last night on that cozy weather.i nodded my head is disapproval of my theorem

{com home now !.today is the day for your date ~by omma}blind date did i agree to go on a blind date .why are they being so unfair to me

i stared once again at the figured who didn't notice i grabbed my bag on the chair and im already at the door post.maybe my theorem was right ...this is one if the suitable reason why I can't date a rich guy


at my home:

'are you ready 'mom asked from a distance .she was dishing some rice into the 4 number of plate

'where is she going to?'jimin asked. it being so long sucy had been in her room ,and some guys outside with a car .*is she going on a date *he thought *no no she can't and besides who would date a girl that kept yelling to her yonger brother on smaller issues*

'stop texting and eat '

'uh'he quickly dropped the phone at the top of the horizontal pattern table

'how do i look like ' i asked smiling so beautiful

i was dressed in a stunny outfit .it was a breath taking vision ,draped in a designer gown that hug my curve in the right proportional .the makeup was flawless with a shiny glow that match and enhance my natural beauty .my lip was painted with my luxury lipstick and a shimmering mascara .the bracelet match the colors of my dress and my hair was a sleek low that showcase my stunning gown and emphaised on my slender neck and shoulder.i knew i was pretty

jimin jaw dropped out admiring the beautiful gown.his eyes were like a sparkling star .same i was as i set me eyes on the mirror 'you are not pretty'he disagree

'hey do you want to die 'ithreatened with my eyes as i moved out of the apartment .

there was a driver and a guard dressed in a black suit my their handome young face was shown to me .i felt like a princess as the guard open the door for me and gently closed it as i was comfortable sat

'do you need cofffee'

'no .thanks '.

we arrive at popular hotel in Seoul.

The hall was bathed in a warm, golden light, creating a romantic ambiance that made couples feel like they were in a dream world.The hall's elegant decor, complete with intricate wood carvings, delicate lanterns, and lush greenery, exuded a sense of refinement and sophistication

who could be this young lucky ceo.

the guard escorted me where the ceo was sitting from a far didtance ..

the more step i move closer to the unknown ceo ,my heart kept beating so fast,as if trying to escape from its cage. i actually don't really know if because i was already scared

the seat was drawn backward for me by the guard as i sat down with a gentle smile appearing on my face.i was so eager to see his face. i can't really wait to see.the ceo raised his hair and stare at my direction as my eyes fled so open ..him .. why..him