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The general call came hours later: a headcount. They had to confirm no one—alive or dead—was left behind.

Noah stood, his legs stiff from sitting too long. He blended into the mass of students shambling toward the roll call, each face hollow and distant.

The smug first-years of 1A, their elite egos stripped raw, didn't utter a word. Even the bumbling loudmouths from 1C were silent. Everyone looked the same—drained, defeated, like they'd been dragged through hell and spat back out.

When the roll call ended, they boarded the Greta 69. No one complained about the cramped conditions or the bloodstains on the seats. No one even looked at each other.

The three-hour trip back to Earth felt longer than the battle itself. Noah leaned his head against the cold window, watching the academy lights grow closer.

'Bright lights. Perfect. Just what we need. Like a giant spotlight on how many of us didn't make it.'