Master manipulator

"Oh, hey Noah. Didn't expect to see you out here."

The casual voice cut through the tension like a knife through butter. All three turned to see Kelvin strolling past, tablet in hand, completely unfazed by the chaos around them. He didn't even look up from whatever he was typing.

"Kelvin?" Noah's disbelief momentarily overshadowed everything else. "Where have you—I was looking for you in the dorm!"

"The dorm?" Now Kelvin did look up, raising an eyebrow. "Why would I be there? I automated my entire study schedule last week. Been in the beast craft lab since six." He glanced at the partially destroyed building. "Good thing too, looks like."

Noah pulled away from Sophie, momentarily forgetting his injuries in his frustration. "I've been fighting my way through—" He winced, ribs protesting. "Never mind. What are you doing out here now?"