Chapter 17: A Great Harvest of Valyrian Steel

"Sebastian, we've nearly finished searching the western area. You'll be responsible for the northern ruins."

Sebastian took the purified water that Draezell handed him, gulping down a large mouthful before nodding in acknowledgment.

"Amos will set out after Sebastian returns to search the southern ruins."


Draezell reinforced the protective magic on Sebastian's team, causing their armor to faintly glow with a silver-red light.

"After Amos returns, Aslan, you'll lead the brothers to continue searching the dragon's remains. I, along with Valar, Rey, Lynn, Argo, and Malak, will head into the ruined tower at the center of the city. Everyone be cautious—injuries are dangerous here, the magic pollution is too heavy. Without skin protection, I can't guarantee my magic will be effective."

Draezell had noticed that not far from where the dragon had fallen, the ruins were actually the collapsed remnants of several high towers, destroyed by some force, likely explosions. Due to the magical corrosion, the once-immense building materials had either fused into one or shattered at the slightest touch.

When the Freehold of Valyria still stood, the Dragonlords favored tower-shaped structures. Dragons would hang, climb, and perch atop the high towers, and the Dragonlords would conduct magical experiments, host feasts, and engage in political intrigue. The spireless towers were considered a key symbol of Valyria.

Based on Claelorius notes and map, Draezell speculated that this might be the family's once-controlled city of "Vasor," the City of Forging. In the days of the Freehold's grandeur, this city had produced countless legendary weapons and buried countless slave corpses.

Due to the deep involvement of magic in the forging process, Valyrian steel weapons were far superior in both quality and resistance to magical corrosion compared to regular steel. Draezell's plan was simple: search for Valyrian steel products, gather as many as possible, and if that failed, see if any remnants of original steel could be found. Gold, silver, and jewels were of little concern. Of course, if any books survived the cataclysm, Draezell would immediately direct a search for them.

Sebastian's team returned under a dark, suffocating sky, exhausted. They had lost one member: a poor soldier from the Silverblood army who, while digging through the ruins, had accidentally injured himself. The deadly toxins in his wound quickly ignited his blood, and despite Draezell's protective magic, the soldier was burned to ashes almost instantaneously.

However, they had brought back a significant haul. Sebastian and another young Silverblood warrior, Hargun Tarl, discovered a collapsed residence. The original owner had long turned to ash, and the house's former splendor had been buried in dust.

Yet, it still held some valuable items. They found a set of Valyrian steel ring armor, although the decorations had long since disappeared, leaving behind only traces of golden opulence. There was also a Valyrian steel stiletto sword, adorned with moonstone and black diamonds, and a moonblade axe, now lacking its long haft but still recognizable in shape.

Following Draezell's instructions, Sebastian and Hargun refrained from taking any remaining gold or silver from the ruins. They only took the armor, sword, and battle axe.

Next, Amos team set out, accompanied by the Unsullied, vowing to return with even more spoils than Sebastian.

The dark mist that had covered the sky gradually faded away.

Amos's team quickly returned. The strong young man, usually silent and as stiff as a block of iron, had Draezell's full trust, much like the trust one places in a blood brother. Once Amos set his mind to something, Draezell knew he would accomplish it perfectly.

"Lord," Amos said as he took the water pouch from Valar, swallowing the purified water in large gulps. His Silverblood soldiers began unstrapping their packs.

With a clattering sound, a variety of Valyrian steel items spilled out onto the ground.

There was a sword shaped like a writhing serpent of flame. Whether it was due to magical corrosion or the addition of color during its forging, the sword took on an odd gray-red hue, growing progressively redder towards the center, resembling a blazing inferno.

Two Valyrian steel daggers, their hilts long gone. To prevent accidents, the Silverblood soldiers had wrapped them in protective cloth.

A massive two-handed greatsword with a crossguard adorned with various gemstones carved into a burning sun.

Additionally, there were several dull-looking Valyrian steel ornaments and a spearhead covered in vicious barbs, also made from Valyrian steel.

"Where did you find these?" Sebastian, who was resting nearby, curiously approached.

Amos shook his head, unsure of what the place had been. It could have been a blacksmith's shop, a dragonlord's laboratory, or even a private residence. Whatever it was, there had been many Valyrian steel items, though many were damaged.

After some casual conversation, Aslan Rendell and the remaining team members set off to continue searching the dragon's corpse. Draezell and his companions headed toward the collapsed ruins of the tower.

"Lord Draezell," shouted Malak, suddenly raising his arms as they reached the remnants of the tower, now unrecognizable. "I can feel the King of Light calling me. Lord, do you know? My mentor and I have never been among those ignorant fools." For some reason, Malak began rambling, speaking to himself.

Draezell signaled for Valar and Rey to leave him be and continued digging with the ever-silent Argo and Lynn. The areas that had fused together were strategically abandoned, while the fragile sections that crumbled with a touch were the focus of their search.

"The Lord of Light, r'hllor, our one true god," Malak declared loudly. "To us, He is but a symbol; what we truly worship is the embodiment behind Him—Ice and Fire, Cold and Heat, Darkness and Light. We believe in the supreme will behind it all. You are the chosen one of that will, and so He generously guides your future. The great savior, Azor ahai, shall be reborn in the land of smoke and salt, drawing the Lightbringer to cut through the Long Night and bring eternal daylight. The ancient prophecy shall come true, and you are an important force in driving it all forward." Malak voice grew louder with each word.

Even as Rey uncovered a Valyrian steel hand-and-a-half sword adorned with a large ruby, and Valar unearthed a set of Valyrian steel plate chainmail decorated with dragon heads, Malak's voice carried on, undisturbed.

"His prophecy shall come true, and the path He has pointed will also be walked by you."

"Now, He comes to pay His reward."

Draezell stood motionless, staring at the shattered black stone in front of him.

Five dragon eggs, each with different colors and covered in scales, had already turned to stone, resting quietly inside a bronze container wrapped in black stone.

Beside the bronze container lay a small bone horn, silent, as if gazing at Draezell.