Vaghar carefully maneuvered around Vermithor, whose size now seemed almost equal to his own, and gently landed on the first level of the Dragon's Nest castle wall. Across from him stood Jacaerys and Vermax.
The "Bronze Fury" Vermithor landed unceremoniously behind Vhagar, and Draezell placed both hands on the saddle, quietly watching as Aemond dismounted from Vaghar's back.
Vermax, feeling the tension in the air, wanted to roar at Aemond, but seeing Vaghar's presence calmed him. The young dragon weighed the situation carefully—if he provoked Vaghar, Vermithor might not be able to come to his aid in time—and so he abandoned the idea of a roar, instead glaring at Aemond.
As soon as Aemond dismounted, he noticed the prominent figures standing in the castle courtyard on the first level. There were three princes of the Black Party, along with Lord Edric Dondarrion, Lord Randyl Caron, and Lord Harlow Selmy—three major noblemen from the borders who had taken up their grandfathers positions. Also present were Lord Revil Haydon, who had grown into a young man, and Lord Teclis Hoeth, whose hair had already turned white. These two border lords had gained permission over the years to settle and expand in the Stone Road and Red Border territories, becoming powerful lords in their own right, at least on par with the still unpledged House Grandison from Grandview.
The young Lord Quentyn Manwoody was also among them, speaking with Lord Revil Haydon. Another newly risen lord from Dorne, Lord Oberyn Sandal, had automatically taken up the guard duty, dressed in bronze scale armor, spear in hand, standing watchfully to the side.
"Damn, the news has leaked." Aemond immediately realized why, apart from the lords stationed in Prince's Pass like Lord Lynn Valtaken, the lords of Crag and Donald Tarly, and Lord Vansen Laomn from East Blemmyros Valley, all of Draezell's powerful vassals had gathered.
But the one-eyed prince showed no signs of fear. He walked confidently toward Vhagar, raising his head and speaking boldly: "Lord Draezell, I come as an emissary."
Draezell nodded slightly, and Jacaerys, remaining silent, stepped aside. He took a piece of bread from a servant holding a tray, dipped it in salt, and handed it to Aemond. Aemond quietly sighed in relief as he took the bread and chewed it, swallowing quickly.
As Aemond took the bread, even with only one eye, he noticed the veins in Jacaerys' arm. The fourteen-year-old boy seemed to be suppressing his anger.
"Speak plainly, Prince Aemond," Draezell said. He had no intention of dismounting. He was curious what terms the Green Party would offer. After all, when the spies from King's Landing had brought back their information, Jacaerys had immediately represented his mother and stepfather—he could indeed represent them—and offered Draezell quite a favorable deal.
The terms included: any position at Rhaenyra's court, the Hand of the King, the promise that his heir would be raised as Draezell's foster son before reaching adulthood and would marry into the Vaelarys family, exemption from the city-building and luxury taxes set by King Jaehaerys for fifty years, and the appointment of a Vaelarys family member to manage the royal mints at Summerhall and Silvercrown City, as well as the lands of the rebellious border lords.
"I come on behalf of the true king, Aegon II Targaryen, King of the Andals and the First Men," Aemond swallowed nervously but spoke clearly. "Prince Draezell Vaelarys, as a loyal vassal of the Iron Throne, the King seeks your fealty."
"Hmm?" Draezell looked down at his two younger brothers. "Valar, Rey, if I recall correctly, when we first came to this land, it was Princess Rhaenyra who was asked by King Viserys to swear loyalty and defend the line of succession, wasn't it?"
Rey smiled and nodded, but said nothing.
"I also remember swearing allegiance to Princess Rhaenyra," Valar stepped forward. "So should the one sitting on the Iron Throne not be Queen Rhaenyra?"
"I also remember swearing to defend the princess's right to the throne," Lord Randyl Caron, the older noble, spoke in a deep voice. "Though I am older now, I have not forgotten my oath."
"My father once courted the princess," said Lord Dondarrion. "Before his death, he repeatedly urged me to remember our family's vow: The oath is higher than life, and the gods are witnesses." He looked directly at Prince Aemond. "I wonder if the oath-breakers in King's Landing are prepared for the gods' punishment."
"Rhaenyra is the oath-breaker," Aemond replied coolly. "Also sworn before the gods, the Great Council denied the right of female succession. The lords of the realm swore loyalty to my father, not to Princess Rhaenys. That is proof enough that the gods favor the male line of succession, and your vows are naturally secondary to that oath."
"You are denying the sanctity of oaths!" Lord Caron drew his sword, only to realize he had left it behind. In his anger, he pointed an accusing finger at Aemond.
"Uncle, I bring the true King's terms, perhaps you should listen," Aemond stepped back, and Vaghar suddenly lunged forward. Vhagar extended its neck, flames flickering in its throat. Upon seeing Vhagar, Vaghar slowly retreated.
"Speak," Draezell said with keen interest, looking down at Aemond, now standing by Vaghar.
"The King's Hand, Master of coin, or Master of Ships are all open to you," Aemond declared. "Additionally, you will have the authority to appoint the head of the royal mint in Summerhall. And my brother, King Jaehaerys, is willing to marry Lady Samantha; she will be the future queen. The betrothal between Jaehaera and Rey will remain unchanged. If you will, Uncle Valar, we hope that Daenerys can marry Maelor."
Rey laughed. "I still don't even know what Jaehaera looks like. All I know is that Jaehaerys has six fingers." He walked up to Young Aegon, scratching the boy's nose. "Did you hear that? Someone's trying to steal your bride."
Young Aegon immediately glared angrily at Aemond.
"Aemond, if these are the only terms you have to offer, may I assume you are insulting my mother and my knight?" Jacaerys spoke coldly.
"Go back, Aemond," Draezell said, standing tall, a smile on his face as Vhagar continued to glare at Vaghar. "Tell your 'King' Aegon," he emphasized the word 'King' as if to make sure no one missed the fact. "Who gave him the confidence that these terms can sway oaths sworn before the gods? Aemond, I believe you've read the Targaryen House's archives, and you should know that the Wars of the Dragonlords are not to be taken lightly."
Vermithor slowly moved forward, the massive dragon raising its head, staring down at Vaghar, as if two towering mountains were facing off in the castle courtyard.
"Dragon bloodshed is far more terrifying than that of men. The Valyrians proved this with blood. Aemond, if you or your brother have any wisdom left, show some sincerity. Let Princess Rhaenyra see why you believe you have the right to question her claim, and let me see how you will defend the Targaryen family's hard-won crown."
Vermithor let out a thunderous roar. Aemond nearly lost his footing and quickly grabbed the rope ladder hanging from Vaghar's saddle. Vaghar's ugly, aging head tried to roar in return but was firmly suppressed by Vermithorm "I understand," Aemond said, realizing his mission had failed. He hurriedly climbed the ladder and returned to the saddle. "Prince, I will deliver your message to King Aegon," Aemond's tone turned cold. "I hope you return to the rightful path and support our true King and the sacred laws."
With that, he pulled on the reins, and Vaghar struggled to rise. The massive wings unfurled, and the dragon slowly took off.
"Brother, should we chase them?" Valar asked, eager for action.
Draezell shook his head. "Not yet. No need to send the dragons before a fight begins. I'm curious to see how they plan to face the princess's wrath. Jace, Luke, get ready. I'll escort you back to Dragonstone."
Jacaerys nodded and swiftly climbed onto Vermax. He was ready, and Lucerys quickly ran to the dragon tower, while Arrax still enjoyed his mutton in the nest.
"Valar, stay behind and wait for Alan and Lynn."
"Understood," Valar nodded. "I'll count the available forces. Raven messages from Sunspear report that Dorne has been struggling in recent years, and there are still remnants of the Yronwood rebels causing trouble. Sunspear and Starfall can't spare forces, but Prince Qoren is willing to defend the line of succession. Lord Doran Gargalen will lead 1,000 spearmen and 500 sand riders to join us."
"That will be enough," Draezell nodded. "Oberyn."
Lord Oberyn Sandal, who had recently relocated his lands to the southernmost part of the Prince's Domain and established the town of Morningstar, immediately stood at attention, leaning on his spear.
"Return to your lands at once. Keep an eye on the south to prevent any interference from the Yronwood remnants."
Draezell arranged the military duties for his lands and ordered the Silver Fleet to patrol the Dornish Sea to guard against pirate raids from the Stepstone and the Triarchy. He then set off with Jacaerys and Lucerys.
On Dragonstone, Princess Rhaenyra gave birth to a monster: a twisted, malformed stillborn child, its chest hollow, covered in scales, with a short, scaly tail.
To give birth to it, the princess had nearly drained all her strength, only recovering after the fool "Mushroom" took the dead child out to be cremated.
In the Map Room of Dragonstone, before Conqueror Aegon had unified the Seven Kingdoms, he had carved a massive map of the realm on a long table. Servants lit the red dots representing the major lords to make it easier for the adults to view.
Rhaenyra, weakened, slowly shuffled into the Map Room, with the help of Ser Lorent Malbran, a White Knight, before sitting in the main seat.
The assembled lords were not few. Prince Daemon sat to the princess's right, gently holding her hand, as though this act could soothe her pain from recently losing her child. Princess Rhaenys sat beside him, idly fiddling with a dragon figurine on the table.
Maester Gerardys sat at the princess's left, with Lord Corlys Velaryon, the elderly Sea Snake, beside him. Corlys still exuded vitality, dressed in a splendid blue robe with a pure silver carving of a seahorse breaking through the waves on his chest.
The two knights who had sworn allegiance to Princess Rhaenys on the night the news arrived, Ser Erryk Cargyll and Ser Lorent Marbrand, stood behind Rhaenyra.
The lords loyal to Dragonstone were nearly all present. Lord Bartimos Celtigar sat next to Princess Rhaenys, and beside him were Lord Gormon Massey of Stone Dance and Lord Simon Staunton of Crow's Nest.
Count Gunthor Darklyn of Duskendale sat beside the Sea Snake, with Lord Bar Emmon of Sharp Point and Sir Alfred Broome, captain of the Dragonstone guard, beside him.
Daemon gazed at the gathered lords and sighed. The military strength of Dragonstone was scarce: only 30 knights, 100 crossbowmen, and 300 foot soldiers. If they called upon the villages beneath Dragonmount, they could muster an additional 300-400 men, but that was the limit.
Of these lords, aside from House Velaryon, only Gunthor Darklyn could raise over a thousand men.
This was far from enough.
"Gentlemen, I must deliver some unfortunate news. My daughter Visenya was murdered by my treacherous brother. They stole my crown and now they've killed my daughter," Princess Rhaenyra's eyes glinted with the ferocity of a dragon, making all present feel as though they were being hunted. "I will make these traitors and thieves pay."
"Your Grace, we do not have enough forces," Lord Simon Staunton reminded her. "Together, our forces are fewer than the Hightowers, and while we have Lord Corlys's fleet, they have ships as well."
"They are traitors and thieves, not kings!" Rhaenyra's cold glare locked on Staunton.
"Your Grace, it must be acknowledged that there are many lords secretly questioning your right to the throne," Scholar Gerardys murmured.
"There will always be noble lords who remember their oaths," Rhaenyra replied, tapping the table. "Lord Corlys, I need your fleet and your wealth."
"Everything I have is yours." Corlys's aged voice remained firm. "Lucerys is my perfect heir. I will fight for him and for your great cause. I am old, but I hope the Seven grant me the strength to fight this final battle."
Rhaenyra nodded gratefully, then turned her gaze to the others. "And we have dragons."
"Your Grace, so does King Aegon, and they have Vhagar, the oldest and largest of the dragons in the Seven Kingdoms," Maester Gerardys reminded her.
"But we have more dragons." The "Uncrowned Queen" Princess Rhaenys finally spoke, her eyes burning with the fire of battle. "The princess has Syrax, Daemon has Caraxes, I have meleys, and young Joffrey, Lucerys, and Joffrey have dragons that can take to the skies. If Prince Draezell stands with us, we have Vermithor, Silverwing, and Shadowmare."
Princess Rhaenys stood up. "I can assure you that Vhagar is no larger than Vermothor now. If Prince Draezell is willing to ride a dragon into battle for you, the usurper's dragons are no match. Sunfyre is young, all show and no substance, Dreamfyre's rider is no warrior, and Tessarion is the same size as young Joffrey's Tyraxes. Little Helaena…" At the mention of this name, both Rhaenys and Rhaenyra sighed simultaneously. "Though Little Helaena's children have dragons, they are all too young to fly. We have a great advantage."
"Your Grace, as long as Prince Draezell stands with us, we can fly to King's Landing immediately, burn all the traitors to ashes. Nine against four, the advantage is ours," Lord bartimos Celtigar said, suddenly excited. "I am willing to be the messenger."
"Bartimos." The Sea Snake interrupted him, somewhat displeased. "What we want is rule, not a smoking ruin."
"I was just making an analogy," Lord Celtigar quickly explained. "Once our dragons reach King's Landing, the usurper will have no choice but to fight us, and our dragons will crush his and the traitors' dragons. Nine against four."
"Riding those dragons are my sons, Lord Celtigar," Princess Rhaenyra said, her voice now calm. "If Draezell does not stand with us, or if he cannot act with us in time, the outcome will not be as you expect. Lord Celtigar, I cannot ride a dragon in the short term. My sons' dragons are too young. The only dragons we can use in a direct confrontation with the usurper's dragons are Meleys and Caraxes."
"Your Grace, why not listen to the usurper's terms?" Maester Gerardys suggested quietly.
"Go ahead, let me see what my thieving brother has come up with this time."
"The usurper says that if you are willing to recognize him as king and swear fealty to him at the Iron Throne, you may keep Dragonstone as your fief. The fief can also be passed down to Prince Joffrey. Prince Lucerys will be recognized as the lawful heir to Driftmark and the next lord of the Tides. Young Aegon and Viserys will be granted honorable court positions, with Aegon serving as his squire and Viserys as his cupbearer."
The entire meeting fell silent.
After a long pause, Rhaenyra spoke, her face expressionless. "Scholar Gerardys, may I ask if you still remember my father, King Viserys?"
"I do, Your Grace."
"Then do you remember who his lawful heir was?"
"You, Your Grace," Gerardys answered firmly.
"Then why are you allowing such insults to my father and me to be brought up in my court?"
"Your Grace, this is an effort for peace," the scholar said.
"There is no peace left, gentlemen," Daemon said coldly. "When they defiled my brother's will and stole my wife's crown, peace was already lost."
Three dragon roars echoed from afar, and Princess Rhaenys immediately opened the window.
Three massive dragons appeared high in the sky.
Lord Celtigar broke into a grin. "Your Grace, they're here!"