Chapter 25: Unfortunate End


In which everyone has a bad day

Laughter fills the room, bouncing off the walls, followed by splashing. Blue eyes look down fondly at the small pink being as she swims and plays in the water. She looks up at Yellow, who tries to appear annoyed, but the twitch of her lips betrays her amusement. Blue laughs again, hard. Pink is so silly.

"Try to guess the song," Pink announces before leaping off the side and sinking to the bottom.

Blue leans against the edge of the pool, tilting her head, still smiling. Within the blurry water, at the very bottom, Pink starts singing, bubbles floating to the surface.

"Oh, Garden's Keeper," Yellow guesses, smirking confidently.

"Starlight's Magic," Blue guesses, not really caring whether she's right or not. Pink's happiness is worth everything. She turns to include the eldest in the game but frowns when all she sees is the back of her head as she walks away from the pool.


There is no response. Yellow frowns, also unsure what is going on.

Blue opens her eyes, waking to darkness. Clenching whatever she's holding, she brings it to her face, inhaling the scent of strawberries. Another dream of the past. Though this is the first time it involves White. Maybe because she had tried to contact her last week? Most likely. Still, it was unhelpful and unnecessary.

Blue doesn't dare return to White's domain—not now or anytime soon. She squeezes the stuffed animal in her arms, but the lifeless gaze of that pearl flashes before her eyes, making her jerk her toy away. Be grateful she wasn't in the dream, she reminds herself as the ceiling rotates and the artificial sun appears, its light officially marking another day.

Blue sits up, her hair falling around her like a veil as she stares down at the stuffed bunny.

For the past seven days, Yellow has ignored all her calls, and she hasn't spoken to her mate either. Forced to continue her duties as a Diamond, she had no choice but to conquer another planet. She hadn't wanted to, but she knew that if she didn't, Yellow would take over. So, for the past few days, she has been abducting any creatures she could find and placing them in the zoo. It wasn't ideal, but it was preferable to wiping out everything that was there.

To her surprise, the zoo is in the process of being expanded. It has been for some time, apparently, though she hadn't noticed until she stopped by to personally drop off the new creatures. Only then did she remember—she had ordered its expansion after helping her mate and his father escape the zoo. How bittersweet. She hadn't expected things to turn out this way.

She rarely has her Sapphires predict anything for her, unless it directly involves her conquests. At the very least, the zoo won't be overcrowded.

A Pearl enters the room. "It is time to rise, my Diamond," she says.

Blue really doesn't want to, but she has no choice.

"Of course."

She finally gets up and slides out of her large bed, going through her morning routine—bathing, brushing her teeth, among other things. As she eats breakfast, she's reminded of how Steven used to make eggs for her. Or pancakes. A small smile curls her lips at the memory of him trying to make a heart-shaped pancake, only for it to turn out lopsided. They had laughed about it. He's so silly. So charming.

She glances at one of her nails, the pink polish chipping off. It's a relief Yellow hasn't noticed, but then again, she needs to know the truth.

Once she finishes, Blue decides to give Yellow another call. And then maybe her mate, too. She misses him. Hearing his voice always makes her day.

"My Diamond, Zircon has arrived as you requested," Pearl announces with a salute just as Blue takes another bite.

She perks up. Finally, some good news.

"Perfect. Let her in."

The door slides open, and the taller gem steps inside. At first glance, she looks like any other Zircon, but Blue recognizes her immediately—this was the one who had tried to help her with Pink's files a while ago.

Before Zircon can even salute, Blue steps forward and hugs her. It's okay; they're in the privacy of her room. Zircon blushes but returns the embrace. It brings her joy to be acknowledged as an individual. Though Blue sometimes mixes up gems, she's merely a child—one who actively tries to differentiate everyone.

"I need to tell you something," Blue says, pulling away.

A thin brow rises in curiosity.

"I heard you tried to talk to White," Zircon says, guiding the child back to her seat.

This time, it's Blue's turn to blush. She ducks her head, staring down at her half-eaten food.

"Yes… I wanted to at least try to speak with her, but…" She trails off, shuddering at the memory of Pearl.

Zircon's eyes widen slightly, taken aback by the sight of her Diamond's skin turning paler.

"Her Pearl frightens me," Blue admits, gripping the fabric of her dress.

Zircon knits her brows. She has known this child since she was first introduced into this universe. While she may not have taken part in Blue's upbringing, she knows her well enough to be sure—Blue isn't easily frightened by anything.

Crossing her arms, she examines her Diamond, gazing at her from head to toe. She's never seen her look so… intimidated before. All this, just because of a Pearl? Zircon shakes her head. She can think about that later.

"If I may, what is it you need from me?" she asks politely, finally saluting since she hadn't had the chance before.

Blue perks up, some color returning to her face.

"I found out that my mate is actually the offspring of Pink Diamond, who faked her shattering," she says bluntly, glancing up at the other gem.


Zircon's legs almost give out, and she grabs a nearby chair to steady herself.

Another hybrid? She thought her Diamond was the only one. But not just any hybrid—Pink Diamond's offspring?! The Diamond who was thought to have perished thousands of years ago? And now this?

"When… when did you find this out, my Diamond?" she stammers, lips curling into an almost hysterical grin. This is revolutionary.

Wait. Blue has a mate?

Were they from the zoo? No, that's unlikely. But this—this is mind-boggling.

"Recently. I went to Earth and now have a mate who bears a Diamond too."

So that's why Blue kept disappearing. That's why this was the longest she'd been gone.

Zircon wants to laugh. Her creator used to sneak to Earth all the time too—then came back with a new human, and, long story short, Bluebell exists as a result of that.

"That's the short version, anyway," Blue continues. "But I summoned you because I thought you deserved to know, since you helped me with this case."

One surprise after another. Zircon isn't sure what she really did to help—it was Blue who figured it out on Earth—but she salutes anyway as a sign of compliance.

"Of course."

Blue leans back in her seat, keeping eye contact with the other gem.

"I have also made attempts to tell Yellow that Pink wasn't shattered, but she won't hear any of it."

Zircon frowns. Ah, so her Diamond needs Yellow's attention. But the elder Diamond is… stubborn.

"I understand it's difficult for her," Blue adds, her brows knitting together, lips curling into a pout, eyes silently begging for help. "And knowing she truly perished by giving up her form for an offspring might not help… but isn't it better to know the truth?"

Zircon's lips twitch.

All the original Blue Diamond wanted was the truth—because it never made sense in the first place. Granted, maybe this child has different reasons for wanting to know, but in the end, it doesn't matter anymore. Because now, they have the truth.

Now, it's just a matter of telling Yellow… who refuses to listen.

Zircon crosses her arms, contemplating.

"Are there… other secrets you have yet to tell her?"

Blue tilts her head, thinking of the growing list of secrets she's been keeping.

Like having a mate. Sneaking back to Earth. Keeping a corrupted gem in her room.

But surely, Pink's fake shattering was the most important thing to confess.

"Do you think she might listen if I told her something unrelated to Pink's story?" Blue wonders aloud.

Zircon smirks. "It would definitely get her attention. Maybe you could tell her about your mate first—then tell her they're also the offspring of a Diamond."

Blue lets out the daintiest snort imaginable.

She can already picture Yellow yelling at her for having a mate to begin with. She might not even listen to the part about Steven being a Diamond too.

Still… it's worth a try, right?

Blue grabs the Diamond Line and twists it to Yellow's frequency. The screen emerges—but it's all static.

A second passes.

Then a minute.

Then another.

Yellow is still ignoring her.

Blue sighs and hangs up.

"She'll come around eventually," Pearl says, rubbing the hybrid's back.

Blue nods and twists the Diamond Line again, this time lining it up to the pink side.

To her surprise, the result is the same.

Looks like her mate is busy too.

As much as she wants to talk to him again after so long, she can't wait forever. She has duties to complete.

Finishing her breakfast, she resumes her morning routine.


Yellow's eyes flicker toward the Diamond Line as it flashes, then away again, back to the window where Homeworld looms ever closer.

That child needed an attitude adjustment.

After her outburst, Yellow had half a mind to return home sooner and confine her to the tower for spouting such nonsense about Pink not being shattered. EVERYONE saw what happened. Blue wasn't even born when it occurred, so how, in all of the galaxies, could she possibly make such ridiculous claims?

"She's a child," Yellow mutters, pinching the bridge of her nose.

A half-organic child at that.

Not to mention her cycle—biologically bound to act out during those times. Blue doesn't know anything. Doesn't know any better. It's not her fault; it's just part of her nature. This will pass. It's not as if this is the first time she's acted out during a cycle.

"Organics are such unusual things," she muses.

The ship finally lands.

Yellow powers down the engine and strides out, marching down the golden bridges of her domain. She considers visiting Blue but decides against it. The child needs time to herself before the elder one can speak with her. Besides, Yellow has more important matters to attend to.

Turning down a path, she steps into a dome-like building, where a Sagenite and a Peridot approach her.

"My Diamond, we have successfully captured a corrupted gem as per your request," the Sagenite announces.

Yellow hums in satisfaction.

While en route back to Homeworld, she had dispatched a unit to Earth to capture these so-called corrupted gems Blue had spoken about. It seemed like every gem that came into contact with Earth turned traitor, but to her pleasant surprise, none of her subordinates had changed. They didn't even report any trouble.

"What have you found?" she inquires, continuing forward.

The Sagenite briskly follows, while the Pearl accompanying them shoots the other gem a condescending look but otherwise remains silent.

"We managed to capture one, a-and we used the Rejuvenator like you ordered, but… it seems the gem can only maintain her original form for a brief time," the Sagenite explains, her voice carefully composed despite the nervous tension in her form.

"We suspect," the Peridot adds hesitantly, staying behind the Sagenite—who, despite being the same height, was noticeably more muscular—"that since this defect was caused by the blast, perhaps a Diamond's power would be more effective than a Rejuvenator."

Yellow's sharp gaze cuts through them like a blade.

A cold chill runs down the Peridot's spine.

Had she overstepped? Had she made it sound like this was Yellow's fault?

Well… by all accounts, it was—but Peridot wasn't about to say that to her face. Not like that defective Peridot who had insulted their Diamond outright.

Yellow says nothing.

She doesn't zap her. Doesn't shatter her.

That's a good sign.

"Where is it being held now?" Yellow's voice booms with authority, her presence suffocatingly commanding.

They answer quickly, not daring to risk her ire.

It's rare for Yellow to shatter a subordinate, but not unheard of. Unlike the offspring of Blue Diamond, who refuses to do so altogether.

Some gems whispered about how much more lenient Blue's child seemed. A few even wished they served under her instead.

"Continue as you've been doing until I arrive," Yellow orders in dismissal.

They salute, then turn sharply on their heels, disappearing down the corridor.


Yellow turns in the opposite direction, stepping into her personal sauna.

Sitting down, she allows herself a moment of contemplation—going over the files, the reports from Peridot and Sagenite, and her upcoming Citrine reproduction report from the latest conquered planet.

Frankly speaking, Yellow hated thinking about the war. Yet, her thoughts drifted there anyway as she recalled her final attack on Earth.

That Peridot had been correct in her assessment. She and the other Diamonds had blasted the planet with the intention of obliterating everything. It made sense, then, that a Diamond's power could also undo what they had created.

She bowed her head in thought.

She didn't want to involve Blue in this.

Yet, it was likely she needed the child's essence to help in the curing process—especially since it had been Blue who brought it to her attention in the first place. Still, Yellow decided she would handle this matter herself first. She needed to judge whether curing corruption was even worth the effort.

The moment her resting period ended, she rose to her feet and marched toward the containment area where her subjects held the corrupted gem.

On the way, she spotted the child, flanked by her Pearl and Amethyst.

Yellow hesitated.

For a moment, she considered approaching her, but ultimately decided Blue needed more time to herself. So, she continued on her way.

As she neared the chamber, the sound of commotion reached her ears. Upon stepping inside, she found her Sagenite and a Prasiolite locked in battle with a monstrous thing—what had once been a pinkish Milky Quartz.

An arched brow was the only indication of Yellow's curiosity as her gems finally managed to strike the beast with the Yellow Rejuvenator.

"What am I looking at?" The monarch's voice was a slow, drawn-out mix of confusion and displeasure.

The two gems immediately saluted.

"The corrupted gem Blue Diamond spoke of," Sagenite answered.

Standing to the side, Peridot had been busy documenting the entire scene before Yellow's arrival. At the mention of her name, she quickly glanced at her notes and began reading aloud:

"We attempted fusion, but the other Milky Quartz became corrupted as a result. It appears this condition is transmittable. Furthermore, even with the Rejuvenator, it does not reverse corruption once it has taken hold."

Yellow hummed. Whether it was disappointment or something else, Peridot could only guess.

A nervous lump formed in her throat as she hurriedly skimmed through her files again—just in case she had missed anything.

She had.

Clearing her throat, she prayed to the stars she didn't look as panicked as she felt.

"You had also requested some humans for Blue Diamond," she reported hastily. "However, given the difficulty of capturing the gem, we prioritized the former. Additionally, we concluded it wouldn't be safe to house something dangerous near something fragile."

That last part was a convenient afterthought.

"We can retrieve the humans now if you so desire, my Diamond," Peridot quickly added, desperate to appease her superior, whose displeasure was palpable.

Yellow raised her hand.

Peridot tensed—bracing for a strike.

But it never came.

Instead, Yellow merely waved her away. "Then go get some humans. In better condition than the last ones."

Yellow had checked the files of the previous batch, just to see what they looked like. One had been on the brink of perishing. If they weren't dead already, more humans would be needed to maintain the expanding zoo.

The three gems saluted, and as one reached for the corrupted Milky Quartz, Yellow lifted a hand, halting them.

"Leave this thing to me," she ordered.

A Diamond wouldn't handle something personally unless they had to. The realization dawned on the gems, and they quickly scurried away, eager to return to Earth.

Yellow furrowed her brows as she examined the corrupted Quartz.

Behind her, the doors sealed shut.

Before her, the gem glowed.

Suspended midair, the glow slowly dimmed—revealing a shape.

A humanoid one.

Yellow squinted as the form solidified.

A Milky Quartz, tall and straight-backed, saluted like the loyal subject she had once been. The Pink Diamond insignia sat proudly on the front of her molded uniform. Her skin was an ashen pink, her puffy hair a darker shade—eerily reminiscent of a Rose Quartz from eons ago.

The Quartz opened her eyes.

The moment she saw Yellow, she smiled, puffing out her chest to display her sigil.

"Milky Quartz, Facet 236, Cut 2H6, at your—"

Her voice faltered.

Her eyes crossed.

"W-what's go—ing…?"

Her form flickered erratically before stabilizing once more.

Yellow's eyes narrowed as she spotted something—blemishes—slowly creeping back across the Quartz's body.

Then, in a trembling whisper—

"H-help me."

Tears welled in Milky Quartz's eyes as she reached for Yellow with shaking hands.

Yellow recoiled.

Then, a desperate, agonized wail—


Her form contorted.

Her face twisted into something inhuman.

Her body followed.

And in an instant, she was gone—fully corrupted once more.

Mindless, the beast lunged.

Yellow intercepted it effortlessly, catching the creature in one massive hand.

She clicked her tongue.


Still, she hadn't ordered the others to leave for nothing.

She had to see this through.

With a sigh, she dropped the creature, pinning it beneath her heel.

Rubbing her hands together, she gathered energy over her Diamond insignia, forming a surge of electricity before lifting the beast again.




Once more, the corrupted gem began to change.

Once more, she reformed.

Yet, something was wrong.

Milky Quartz snarled, biting and thrashing in Yellow's grasp.

Her mind was still lost.

Yellow thought of Blue.

She could soothe emotions, yes—but the effect wouldn't be permanent.

Each Diamond had a role in gemkind's creation.

Yellow for the physical form.

Blue for emotions.

Pink for alignment—the focus and drive of a gem's purpose (ironically, considering how childish she had been).

And White—White was the final step. The mind, the permanence.

With Pink shattered and a hybrid fulfilling her role, they could no longer create gems the way they once had. In fact, newer gems had begun to display more human-like qualities.

Yellow remained convinced this was a result of Blue's entire existence.

Yet, as long as the gems functioned, she didn't care for these insignificant biological oddities.

She gazed down at the struggling Quartz.

It was futile.

Yellow sparked her palm—poofing the gem.

Then, without hesitation, she crushed it.

With little effort, she gathered the fragmented remains into a bubble, sealing them away.

There was no point in trying to restore these defective gems.

She could only do so much.

Even Blue could only do so much.

And without White, this correction was neither permanent nor possible.

A heavy sigh escaped her.

Turning on her heel, she exited the chamber.

Outside, her Pearl stood dutifully where she had been ordered to wait.

At the sight of the shattered gem, Pearl gulped.

But she remained silent.

And as Yellow strode forward, Pearl followed.

She didn't want to imagine what had transpired in that room.

And so, she didn't.


Summoning his shield, Steven barely managed to avoid a direct attack from the claws of the corrupted gem.

"I gotcha, Steven!" Amethyst shouted, flicking her wrist. Her spiked whip lashed out, coiling around the beast's torso as she pulled with all her might. Steven pushed forward with his body to assist.

From the side, Pearl leaped into the air, trident held high. As she descended, she drove the weapon through the beast, successfully poofing it. Steven quickly bubbled the gem, and from the sidelines, a loud poof echoed as Garnet and Bismuth took down their own adversary.

"Is that all of them?" Amethyst asked, glancing around the snowy terrain. The footprints scattered across the ground made it difficult to tell if another gem was hiding, waiting to ambush them.

"None for now," Garnet stated, adjusting her visor.

Everyone exhaled in relief, especially Steven, who had been awake for over 24 hours.

"You've gone soft," Bismuth teased, earning a playful punch from Garnet. Thousands of years ago, taking breaks was a rarity. Then again, back then, it was a war. Now, Bismuth was facing its aftermath.

A gurgling sound filled the momentary silence.

"That's the sound of lunch," Amethyst chirped, elongating her arms to wrap one around Steven's shoulder.

Steven grinned. Yeah, he was hungry—fighting like this really worked up an appetite. "I could go for some pizza. Anyone else?"

"Sounds good," the purple gem agreed, as did the others.

Steven pulled out his phone as he walked toward the nearest warp pad, making the call as he stepped onto it. The gems stayed behind, taking the opportunity to spar without worrying about destroying the house—like that one time long ago.

"Okay, thanks, Jenny. I'll be there soon," Steven said before hanging up. Stepping off the warp pad, he headed to the counter and grabbed the grocery list he had left that morning. Instead of waiting for delivery, he opted to pick it up himself—since he was already heading into town.

Sliding into his Dondai, Steven's gaze briefly flicked to the chain hanging from his rearview mirror—a small trinket Blue had given him some time ago. Twisting the key in the ignition, he backed out and drove toward the grocery store. Unlike the mall, this place wasn't far; for once, it was actually within Beach City.

After parking, Steven stepped out, list in hand, but paused when he spotted a familiar face peeking around the corner of the small mom-and-pop grocery shop.

"Hey, Lars," he greeted, approaching.

Lars jumped, startled, then hissed, "Shut up!"

Steven frowned. "What is it?" he whispered, peeking around the corner—only to gasp.

A gem. A very large yellow gem. And another Peridot, but unlike the Crystal Gem one, she lacked limb enhancers.

Yellow sent more gems? But why?

It couldn't be for more humans—Blue had said she was satisfied with the ones she had. He saw the whole thing. He was there.

A chill ran down his spine. Then, before he could react, an ominous shadow loomed over them. Large green hands grabbed their shoulders.

"I found more humans," a deep voice rumbled.

Both boys looked up at a buff, imposing gem.

"S-Steven," Lars stuttered.

It wasn't his first encounter with gem-related chaos, but it still terrified him.

"Oh, good," the Peridot muttered, typing on her screen. "We can start with these two."

Steven instinctively summoned his shield, slamming it into the green gem behind him. But before he could act further, the yellow gem grabbed Lars, who screamed, flailing fruitlessly in her grasp.

Shit. Lars.

Steven needed to get him away.

"Let him go!" he demanded, forming bubbles around his fists and firing a shot toward the gem—only to be swatted aside.

Damn it! He may have a Diamond's gem, but if he wasn't fast enough, fighting a larger gem was pointless. Maybe he should have stayed behind and sparred with the others more.


If he had, Lars would be gone by now, and he wouldn't have even known until it was too late.

"Humans can't summon weapons," the Peridot noted, narrowing her eyes.

Steven summoned his shield again just as the green gem swung an axe down at him. His breath hitched, and in a split-second decision, he yanked up his shirt, revealing his gem.

"Holy stars! That's a Rose Quartz!" the green gem shouted.

Would they believe him if he said he was actually a Diamond? Highly unlikely.

"Yeah," Steven said, thinking quickly. "I'm Rose Quartz. Now let him go."

If they thought he was his mother, maybe they wouldn't care about a human.

A sinister smile crept onto the Peridot's face.

"A human and the offspring of the infamous Rose Quartz? This is our lucky day."

Steven's stomach twisted. He took a step back, not liking the tone in her voice.

"I'll go willingly if you let Lars go," he tried to negotiate, standing up.

They didn't respond. Instead, another hand grabbed him.

Steven thought about bubbling himself to escape—until the Peridot spoke again.

"You'll come with us, or the Lars gets thrown into space," she threatened, her icy gaze locking onto him.

Steven hadn't expected this outcome.

He had Rose's gem. Wasn't Pink's supposed shatterer more important than a single human?

Lars continued struggling, even as they boarded the ship.

Steven couldn't call for help—his phone had fallen when he was struck. He couldn't save Lars either.

But he wasn't worried.

If they wanted a human, it was likely for the zoo. And Blue would eventually go to check on it—she'd find Lars and send him home.

But what about Steven?

Would he meet an unfortunate end… or something else?

Between Moments: Mom

Deleted Scene from Chapter 22

A mother. Another word for mom. The female parent, the being who births offspring.

Blue had just finished slipping on the pink dress for the wedding when the apothecary entered Connie's chambers—the apothecary who had birthed Connie. Her mother.

Even as she struggled with the intricate dress that mirrored Connie's, she carried an authoritative presence. Her hair was neatly held in a bun, and the wrinkles and bags under her eyes were either gone or softened.

"Honey, can you zip me up?" she asked.

To Blue, she gave off the same presence as Yellow—caring, yet strict.

Is this what a mother is?


Connie set down her brush and hurried over to assist. Her mother bent down slightly, giving her easier access to the zipper. Once done, she turned Connie around and began fixing her daughter's hair.

Blue tilted her head.

Connie's hair was much shorter than her mother's, yet she was still able to style it. Blue absentmindedly ran her fingers through her own hair, comparing its length to Connie's.

The older girl had said she would style Blue's hair as well. But what would that entail? Would it be the same as what the apothecary was doing? Or would it resemble Connie's own way of styling?

The apothecary finished tending to her daughter's hair, then turned her calculating, analytical gaze toward Blue. It was not surprising—after all, she was someone who healed others. Actually, this correlates with what Yellow does, Blue realized. The apothecary helped cure human bodies, while Yellow's essence created the forms of gems.

No wonder she feels familiar to me.

"Do you feel sick?" the apothecary suddenly asked.

Blue blinked, pulled out of her thoughts.

She had never been sick before—not in the traditional human sense, anyway. The closest thing had been that time she got stuck as a baby after shapeshifting with Amethyst during one of their games.

"No," she answered politely.

A thought crossed her mind as the apothecary's mate called for her.

"I told you to use the white one!" the woman called back, walking out of the room and closing the door behind her.

Blue sat in silence for a moment.

The apothecary creates things to cure people. Mothers incubate and create new beings. And Yellow helps create a gem's form.

This could only mean one thing.

Mothers are essentially creators of life.

Her lips parted slightly as she turned to Connie.

"Are all mothers apothecaries?" she asked, seeking confirmation. Connie still had a mother, so she would know.

The question caught Connie off guard. "You mean, like, a doctor? Maybe. I don't know anyone else who has a doctor as a mom, but I'm sure they're around. Why?"

She picked up the brush again, and Blue sat by the vanity.

"It occurred to me… Mothers are creators, in general. They incubate the physical forms of offspring. I've always known this, but I am more curious—is there more to a mother than simply creating a being?"

Connie let Blue's words sink in as she gently brushed through her long, silky hair. There were no knots, no tangles—it was smooth all the way through.

Blue knew what a mom was. But she wasn't sure if that was what truly made a mom.

"There's more to being a mom than just giving birth," Connie finally said.

Blue's bangs were brushed to the side, changing the way her face looked—softening the resemblance to her own creator. Their eyes met in the mirror's reflection.

"Well… They're people who take care of you." Connie hesitated, thinking about Steven's situation. Thinking about Blue's. "I mean…"

She paused.

"There's a saying on Earth that I think might help you understand."

Blue looked at her expectantly.

"The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb."

Unlike the commonly misquoted phrase blood is thicker than water, this was the real saying. One that was often twisted to mean the opposite of its true intent.

"You don't have a biological mom," Connie continued. "But someone took care of you, right?"

Blue nodded.

"Someone bathed you when you were small. Held you when you needed them. Loved you unconditionally. Fed you, took care of you, and knew you like the back of their hand."

Blue thought about it.

Yellow never did those things.

Of course, she had sung to Blue sometimes when she was an infant. She had always allowed her certain leniencies because of her organic nature. And, yes, Blue could feel the love radiating from her, even during moments when they did not see eye to eye.


"Not everyone has a mom," Connie added. "And giving birth doesn't automatically make someone a mom, either. At least, not to me."

There were times—before they had made amends—when Connie had wanted to run away. Her mother had been overly strict, sometimes unbearably so. It had been suffocating. But those thoughts had only been fleeting, and now… Now, things were better.

Blue stared at her reflection, her mind turning.

Then she whispered, "Pearl."

Connie blinked. "Huh?"

Blue's gaze softened.

In her mind, she pictured Pearl brushing her hair.

Like she always did.

Holding her. Feeding her.

Singing to her in the dead of night when she had uncomfortable dreams about the original Blue Diamond.

Most importantly… loving her unconditionally.

"On Homeworld, at the zoo, there is no one parent," she murmured. A small, fond smile tugged at her lips.

"My Pearl… is my mother."

The realization settled over her, warm and comforting.

All her life, she had thought she didn't have a mother. That Blue Diamond was gone, and that was that.

But she had been wrong.

Unknowingly, she had always had a mother.

A mother who had loved her, cared for her, and raised her—even if they weren't connected by blood.

She had no father.

But she did have a mother.

And that…

That felt more comforting than she had ever realized.