A Bit of a Shame

Lane stared at the rows of windows, most of which were pitch-black, as it was late at night already.

'Based on his memories, his current apartment is on the third floor… Second last before the end of the hallway… Overlooking this square…'

It would have been much easier to go through the door. He had the keys, after all. However, it was a relatively fancy complex. Places like that typically had security cameras installed. And, although Lane wasn't breaking in, but just opening the door with keys as any normal person should, he still didn't want to be caught on camera, not in his real body. Not to mention, carrying the unconscious tenant from that apartment slung over his shoulder might look suspicious.

He could just leave the man on the bench or something, and go in alone first. With his cloaking ability, the cameras wouldn't be able to register him. However, if someone happened to pass by and saw the man, things could get complicated…