I Want To Be Like Them

The BBQ bar they met in was loud and stuffy, filled to the brim with crowds of people. It was a Friday night, after all, and the place was on the cheaper side. Plenty of groups of local students and office workers came to drink their stress away. Even though it was still early, so much drinking was happening already, that the stench of alcohol almost overpowered the mouthwatering aroma of freshly grilled meat.

Lane squeezed his way among the tables, reaching a slightly more comfortable beer garden at the back. Although it wasn't much quieter, at least it had some fresh air, making the space more bearable.

His fellow course-mates were already there, with the exception of one girl who had already said she wouldn't come. Lane found himself an empty spot, and grabbed one of the unopened beer bottles standing on the table, joining in.