39 | Blue’s House

Winter was in a good mood. His exams were over, his schedule was free, and he had a date with Blue (It was not a date)! Over the past few weeks after the two of them agreed to be 'friends', Blue had really begun to treat him like a friend.

And every time Blue would mistakenly bring up the fact that he was Alpha and would try to use that fact to judge him, Blue would stop himself midway and apologize. Winter was very happy with the turnout of the things.

However, he still hadn't found a way to lure Blue into bed. Even though they were now 'friends', they were just that. And nothing else. Blue never took a step further from the level they were on.

And Winter found it difficult to take a step further, too. It seemed like when Blue was involved, Winter's rizz game slid down to zero and he became an uncool human who made dumb jokes.