63 | Run Away

The next morning, Blue woke up to an empty bed. His body felt amazing. Pheromone Disorder, who?

It was only after stretching and yawning that Blue remembered the events that transpired the previous night. He immediately halted his movements as his expression turned stony.

"Fuck…" He said aloud.

Blue remembered how doomed he was. And how stupid he was as well. He remembered that he was an idiot who deserved to be spanked a thousand times and beaten to a pulp.

But he also remembered one thing. And it made his cheeks turn red with embarrassment as he squeezed the sheets on either side of him.

Blue came to a decision as he forced himself up from his comfortable bed. Then he spotted something when he was already on his feet. On his bed stand was the lamp that he remembered shattering the previous night.

Blue looked at the floor, searching for the shards that had designed it the previous night. He couldn't find a single one.