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Chapter 13: Back to Work

Note: This chapter contains strong language, alcohol consumption, and symptoms of an eating disorder. 


Corrin led Ostara to the wall and they waved goodbye to each other before he left.


He looked over the corner to Ostara, who was looking too exposed.

"Can you tell Sachse that…well, it's not my fault that it happened. I didn't instigate anything and the Cardmakers didn't follow me. It's not my fault."

He nodded. "I'll let him know. Will we see you around?"

"With this happening? I assume not."

Corrin shrugged. "It was nice to meet you regardless."

"You as well."

He vanished behind the wall and headed home.


"Shit, shit, shit." Ostara whispered, dropping to her knees and looking through what she had gathered. Three mushrooms, a sprig of cilantro, and no flowers. She sighed into the sky, whispering a prayer. "Yael, I ask for assistance in this gathering."

She took out her wand and allowed it to touch the grass, leading her subconscious to a small field of the blue flowers. Ostara breathed in relief.

"I knew there was one nearby." she smiled. Within minutes, she had gathered two handfuls of flowers. She organized the rest of what she'd gathered onto the ground and duplicated the mushrooms and cilantro to double of what she'd already had before she packed it away and headed home.

Ostara touched her cloak as she walked and held up her wand, hating herself for nearly forgetting. She performed the reverting spell on her chest and felt a lump of disgust and uncomfort settle on her shoulders as she stared at them. She held the cloak against it as she walked.

She used her wand to guide her to the dirt path behind her home, and by the time Sol was to wake within an hour, she had touched the back door and slipped inside. She removed her boots and avoided the creaking wood on the ground, sneaking to the front door to set her cloak and boots, to put on her work shoes, and set her gathering bag on the dining table before she slipped into the bedroom. The growing light showed her family sleeping, the parents asleep. Irenaeus clearly couldn't care one bit that he shared this room with children, as decency was the last thing on his mind while he slept.

Ostara released a breath before she moved to the windows, opening them completely on Irenaeus and Linaya's faces.

"Tara?" Linaya whispered, sitting up while Irenaeus rolled on his side away from the light, rubbing his eyelids.

"Shut the damn windows, bitch." Irenaeus snapped as he sat up. Ostara ignored the comment, as it was nearly a routine of his. She had already made her way to the other side of the room, shaking Kalliroi then Frig until they woke.

Kalliroi stood in the light on her way out of the bedroom, leaving Frig to wake Ren. Ostara followed her out of the room, grabbing her textbook to study while she waited.

"Ostara?" Linaya asked, walking out of the bedroom a moment later, pulling a robe over her body. "How was gathering last night?"

Ostara's brain immediately began to spin, trying to release a proper answer. Well, I started gathering, but then I ended up past the border and met two Wizards, who I followed to their tavern, where the Cardmakers started a war against them and I was sent back, therefore, it was not a normal night.

"It was alright. I've set my bag on the table for you to look at."

"What did you collect?"

"Some mushrooms, cilantro, and the blue flowers you asked for."

"Why did you collect mushrooms?" Irenaeus snapped, pulling Frig out of the bedroom with him. "Wake up, son. If you fall asleep, you'll get no meals today."

"Uhm, Linaya and Ren – Laurena – asked for it." Ostara lied. "For meals and such."

"Hmm." Irenaeus slapped Frig upside his head. "I said, wake up, son."

Frig stood up straighter, smacking his cheeks and pinching his arms. "Yes, sir."

Kalliroi gave Irenaeus his glass of beer, which he instantly downed before he turned back to the bedroom, pushing little Ren out of his way.

Frig yawned, arms stretching over his head. "Guess we should open the shop now. Should I assist until the break?"

"Your father eluded as much." Linaya sighed, wiping cold water off her face as Ostara gave her siblings a bit of cold stew from last night to wake them up.

"I'll check the cash register." Kalliroi said, pushing her bowl towards Ostara. "Hey, did you get a dole-flower or…"

"Ah, shit!" Ostara smacked her head, realizing her mistake. "I'm sorry, I forgot. I think I was so focused on the…blues that it slipped my mind."

"That's alright." Linaya said, touching her arm as Ostara tried not to flinch.

Kalliroi tapped her finger on the table next to the bowl. "Eat. Stop doing this heroic task of not eating to feed us. It isn't helping you."

"Thanks, Kal." Ostara said, making note of how far the compost bin was from where they were standing.