A new apportunity

Chapter 6: A New Opportunity

As the mayor and his guests left, Auntie Mei gave Han Li an appraising look. "You did well, boy. Better than I expected."

Before Han Li could respond, the gods reappeared in the kitchen, looking far too pleased with themselves.

"Well?" the silver-haired god asked. "How does it feel to have impressed the mayor?"

"Stressful," Han Li said flatly.

The robed god laughed. "Oh, come now. You're just getting started."

The calm god placed a hand on Han Li's shoulder. "You have a gift, Han Li. Don't squander it."

Han Li sighed. "You know, for gods, you're awfully meddlesome."

The silver-haired god grinned. "And for a mortal, you're surprisingly fun to watch."

As the gods vanished once again, Han Li leaned against the counter, exhaustion washing over him. His life in this new world was anything but ordinary, but for the first time, he felt like he was truly beginning to find his place—even if it was a place filled with chaos, divine interference, and too many radishes.