Chapter 1: Disc

 I can't wait to use that VR my mother and father gifted me yesterday, they even got me a popular action-shooter game for it!


 The bell rang right on time, hell yeah!

"Okay class, start packing and go straight home"

"Goodbye ma'am"

 I put all of my things in my backpack, I wear my backpack on and run straight outside the classroom.

"Nathan! Wait!"

"He looked like he was in a rush, maybe there is something. Oh, or maybe..... He has a girlfriend to go and meet"

"No! He does not have a girlfriend!"

"Why are you yelling at me angrily! And why... Wait, you have a crush on Nathan The Loner? Are you jealous?"

"I..... I... I don't have a crush on Nathan!"

"Why are you stuttering and blushing?"

"I am not blushing!"


 I ran out of the school gates, going outside the school campus. No way no way no way no way, I am going to play VR! And the best thing is I own the VR.



 I got tripped over by a small hole on the ground and started falling down. My chin bumped into something hard. Ow! That hurts! My head bounced and I fell into the hard ground with a hard thud.

 What even was that!? I stood up, rubbing my chin, the spot I got bumped on. I looked to my side, it is a big metal outdoor waste bin my chin bumped into, damn it really really hurts, owwwww.

 I noticed something inside the waste bin, something shining bright inside. I took a little closer, it looked like a disc. Wait, it also looked like.... A game disc for VR. Hell yeah, ohohohohoho a new game for my VR! So exciting!

 I started reaching for it, what if it's an AAA game? An expensive game? A popular game? Or an exciting game? Or.... I took it and looked at it near my face.


 What the fuck is this? Girlfriend Simulator? That's its title, Girlfriend Simulator. What? I will play as the girlfriend and date with the character's boyfriend or I am interacting with my girlfriend?

 Oh, wait, it is titled Virtual Girlfriend Simulator, why is the Virtual word so small? The disc cover is showing the most cutest girl I have ever seen doing some kind of pose, the disc cover also has a pink themes with hearts around. I read the words on the disc cover"

"Experience a realistic game where you experience realistic interaction with your girlfriend, experience a realistic environment, decorate your house and lots of more"

I looked below, there is a warning sign.

*Warning, the character is controlled by a powerful intelligent AI, not a real character. Not everything it says is true or should be obeyed*

 Hmmm, so, it's super realistic like real life you say, why do I feel like I want to take it and try it? I looked around me, just students on the sidewalks that came from school going and walking towards me. I secretly hid the disc on my hand and put it in my pocket.

"Nathan! Nathan! What was that you put in your pocket from the waste bin!? It's dirt!"

 I heard a shout of a girl. I looked back again at the group of students walking, there was a girl running towards me. It was Julie, my classmate. She saw that!? Shit! It would be embarrassing if she found out about the disc!

 I have to run away from her. I ran, running as fast as I could.

"Wait, Nathan! I have something for you!"

 Good thing my house is not that far. I ran towards the direction going to my house.


 What did she just shout? I didn't understand, but mostly, what does this bitch even want from me! Leave me alone like the hell I even want to get bullied! I want to be alone, all of you, kindergarten to grade 9, always bully me!

"Nathan! Please! I have something to *huff huff* I have something to give you!"

 Like I would fall for that! From grade 5 till today, I've been training my legs to sprint faster from bullies. And today, it is working, I have outrun Julie, she is way far ahead of me.

 When I was young, I really really got bullied for some reason. Getting punched, getting kicked, stealing my things, but I ignored all of it, and it somehow worked, I am the type of man who can just ignore everything like it was nothing.

 But when I reached grade 8, they somehow stopped bullying me, ignoring me, just doing what they wanted and leaving me alone. It is good but why the sudden change? Every time they go near me, my instincts kick in, thinking they are a threat. I consider it as my

trauma even tho I have ignored them those past years.

I am near my house, I looked behind, Julie isn't on sight. Even if I lost her, she knows my house. Last year, I just got out of my room to eat and went downstairs, I met Julie in my house, having dinner with my parents. It was just her parents visiting my parents.

I ran inside my house, my mother and father is in the kitchen having a coffee.

"Nathan, why do you look tired?" Mother asked

"Just nothing, I just jogged" I replied

"Don't tell me it's those bullies again" my father said

"No, really, I just jogged"

 I ran straight upstairs, I went in my room and locked the door behind me. Hooooo, I'm so much faster than before, such improvement. I hope that bitch won't follow me here.

 I took off my clothes and changed. I looked at the VR set on the floor. It's so beautiful and luxurious to see in my room. Black with rigid lines, it's like this futuristic design! It's gotta be better than the pc my mother and father presented me. I went towards the VR set.

*Thud thud thud*


*Thud thud thud*

 Woah, such loud knocks. Probably someone is knocking at the door.... Wait a minute, don't tell me, she actually followed me in my house. Good thing my father is here, she is going to be in real trouble.

 I went to my window and looked down, there she is, it is really Julie. The door opened, a huge man went outside. It is father versus bully, let's see who wins!

 Both of them started taking but I don't understand a bit because of this anti sound window my father bought me. It looked like my father is angry based on the way he moves.


"How dare you come into our house and start knocking so aggressively!"

"I.... I'm sorry"

"Sorry isn't going to do anything! Look what happened to my son! He doesn't even look like he fights back. His body is broader and muscular than before but he looked like he wouldn't fight back. Why do you come here anyway"

"I am really sorry for what we have done to your son. It's just that we don't know what we have been doing when we were young. I just came here to give him this"

 Julie took out a heart shaped box and showed it to Nathan's father. It is Valentine's Day today.

"I could accept this as a little bit of an apology but for my son, no. Do you think he would even accept it?"

"Just please, call him for-"

"Call him? No, I am being overprotective to my son from his classmates. Did you also know, we tried to convince him to move into another school, he declined. He still wanted to be a classmate with people like you, I don't even know why he declined"

"Please, call Nathan and I will try to tal-"

"Try to talk it out? Nonononono, I think you should get going miss"

"I just wanted to apologize for what I have done to him"

 Julie tried to go past Nathan's father, Nathan's father moved and blocked Julie from the door.

"You see you see! What kind of attitude is that entering someone's home without their exact permission. No wonder why I won't let him see you"

"Just please! I want to apologize to him!"

"No! Go home young lady! And don't you dare give him that box of chocolate! It's probably poisoned"

 Julie stumped started walking away, out of the family's property.

"What happened sweetie?" Nathan's mother came out and asked

"Just nothing, I just got into an argument about the water again. Let's go inside and continue watching the show"


 Way to go father! Nice one


 Nathan maybe, a happy person on the outside, but broken inside.



 I am so sorry for what we have done to you Nathan, I hope you forgive us.


 Okay, back to the main subject, the VR! So exciting! Oh wait a minute. I took out the disc from the pocket of my school uniform pants. I went to my VR set and sat down. The game mother and father bought me is titled 1st Recruit.

 The game that just got released and went popular for its detailed, realistic, open world and had a good story. I looked at the Virtual Girlfriend Simulator disc on my hand. The fuck!? Why do I want to play this Virtual Girlfriend game more than the 1st Recruit game.

 Hmmmm, I- I will just try it, I would guess it would be a 1000% boring game. Just a try, just a try then play 1st Recruit. I turned on the retail box of the VR. Woah, it started lighting red on the lines, it is really like the future. A disc drive emerged on the side of the retail box, maybe the place where you put the game disc.

I inserted the disc, the retail box swallowed it.

"Scanning... Virtual Girlfriend Simulator is ready"

 I stood up, I wore the armor thing that comes with the VR. It says that whatever you touch in the game, you will sense that touch or feel it too in real life with this armor thingy.

I wire it on my legs, feet, upper body, arms, now finished, no need for the neck and head. I prepared, I carried the VR headset, it smelt like new hard plastic. I wore the VR headset on my head.

 Kinda heavy, but not that bothering. I have the VR motion controller on my hands. I was met by the main menu, the main menu is a beautiful bedroom. There is a big sized bed, a shelf with lots of things like books, figurines, pictures and other things on it.

 There are also lamps, plants, a shelf with clothes, and lots of more that you might imagine. Sun rays came from the window, woah, such beautiful graphics too.

"Welcome to Virtual Girlfriend Simulator, press the start button to start the game"

 I pointed the start button and clicked something from the motion controller. The game started, the main menu options are gone. I was just left alone in this room, not moving, probably how the game starts. I hope my mother and father won't catch me playing this game.

 Someone opened the door in front of me. It is the girl on the disc cover, bro, she is really really cute, my type of girl is cute. She walked at me, approaching me. Everything stopped, she was frozen.

"What is your name?" The system asked

 A keyboard went to my face with a slot to put my name in. Let's just type my real name in.

*Nathan Reyes*

"Nathan Reyes it is"

 Everything started moving again, the girl went in front of me, she is very close to my face. She is giving me a beautiful warming smile.


 Awwwww, she kissed me on the face.

"You remember my name right?" She asked

 Everything froze again.

"Name your girlfriend" the system asked and showed me the keyboard again

Her name? Hmmmmm, wonder what I should name her.


Yeah, Elizabeth, I clicked enter.

*Zuuut zut zuut zuuut*

 Woah woah woah, everything started static, what is happening! Is the game corrupted? I am getting creeped out!

"Elizabeth it is" the system said

 Everything went back to normal like before, the girlfriend started jumping and clapping joyously. Her breast swayed up and down, breast physics like before huh.

"Yahay! You remember! I am so happy!"

 She looked around

"Oh yeah, it is nearly breakfast. Nathan, why don't you help me cook in the kitchen?" She said to me

 Two options came out of her, on the left is yes and on the left is no. Of course I would pick yes, let's help girlfriend our.

"Good choice! Let's go to the kitchen the"

 She grabbed my hand and started pulling me to the door. It felt like it is still a tutorial, showing the basics of the game. We went to the door, Elizabeth opened it, I was met by a small hallway, there are 2 doors on the left wall, and 1 on the other side of the room we are in.

"This door leads to my bedroom" Elizabeth said pointing at the nearest door

"This leads to the bathroom" she pointed at the second door

"And this is a spare room for our guests coming in" she pointed at the door on the opposite side

 She leads me to the stairs on the right, both of us went downstairs. I was met by a medium sized living room. There is a large blue sofa, a coffee table, a TV stand with a flat-screen TV. There are shelves with figurines displayed on it, there are framed photos on it, there are also plant decorations.

 I took a closer look at the framed photos, there is a blank character with no designs made for it and getting hugged by Elizabeth. Probably the character I am playing us. I looked at the other pictures, there are photos of the default blank character feeding Elizabeth, cooking food together, both on uniform school clothes, and a lot more.

 Wonder what the story of the game is, or did they give it a story? Or is it just only a virtual game and no need for a story, just having a virtual girlfriend? If it has, then that means they met since their school days, oh yeah, wonder what Elizabeth and this character age is.

 She led me to the door on the right, she opened the door. I was met by a small medium sized kitchen, the dining room is separated from the kitchen. The kitchen was equipped with modern appliances, stove, fridge, oven, a coffee machine and lots of more.

 There are also cabinets on the above of the kitchen. The dining table has four chairs near a window, overlooking the backyard. Woah, so detailed, I wonder what company made this game. They may have made a AAA detailed game.

 She led me to the kitchen and let go of my hand. There are ready vegetables on the countertop, there is a knife and chopping board beside it.

"First, let's chop some vegetables"

 I tried to move my legs, I can move freely now. I went to the countertop. I put the potato on the chopping board. I took the knife, Elizabeth walked to my side.

"I want you to chop it into tiny pieces, vertically" Elizabeth whispered to my ear

 Woah, why did they develop her to whisper in our ear? They just should have made her say the word loud instead of whispering. I saw lines on the potato, it is guiding me.

"Did you know? Believe it or not, potatoes are classified as berries! This is because they develop from the flower's ovary and contain multiple seeds. Such a surprising fact right?" Elizabeth said to me

 Yeah I already know that. But hearing about it still surprises me. Oops, I made a wrong cut on the potato.

"Hm hm, such amazing culinary skill you have" Elizabeth teased me

 This game is really very realistic, there are a lot of ways to interact with them and interact with the character. I fully chopped the potato, suddenly, the screen went black. Probably a transition, there is no way I am going to chop all those vegetables.

 The game revealed again, yep, it was a transition. We are eating at the dining table, Elizabeth is beside me, eating soup. I took the spoon and scooped up soup from my bowl of soup and just put it in my mouth, my character consumed it.

"So, Nathan, how do you like my cooking? Be honest" Elizabeth said

 Two options came out of her. On the left said

"It's the most worst food I have ever tasted"

 What kind of reply is that? I looked at the right option.

"It's really good! Way better than I expected from a game. Did you actually cook all this, or is the AI just being generous?"

 Naaaah, they are breaking the fourth wall, but, okay. I clicked the option on the right.

"Generous? Hmph! I did all the hard work, and I had to guide you through chopping vegetables. Speaking of which, how did you manage to cut the potato into so many odd shapes? You're lucky I'm forgiving"

 Only one option came out of here, it read

"Well, the knife was a little slippery. Cut me some slack, it's my first time cooking with you."

 I clicked the option.

"Aww, you're cute when you're nervous. But you should know, the way to a girl's heart is through her stomach. Keep practicing!"

 Elizabeth took a bite of her soup, she looked at me and gave me a soft smile.

"By the way, did you know I've always dreamed of having dinners like this? Just the two of us, enjoying a cozy meal together"

 An option came out of her

"Really? Why's that?"

"Because... it feels like home. You make everything feel more special, Nathan."

 Aaawwwww, the room falls silent for a moment, the sound of the spoon clinking against the bowl filling the air.

"I hope it will be forever like this, peaceful, together and ever"

 Elizabeth looked at me again. She gave me a bright smile.

"Right Nathan?"

Yeah, I hope so, I really hope so.