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Episode 3: Deal or no Deal?

Previously on cell walls...

Officer: Welcome to your new home city boy!

*Cuts to the walls of prisoners yelling at him*

Marco: [I've got to keep a strong face, or it'll get worse...]

*Cuts to him at his cell*

Marco: Is that... (Looks at the stains) Blood?!

Officer: Yeah the last inmate died in this cell, but I really don't care, (shoves Marco into the cell) That's your problem now!

Marco: [Well I guess this my new life...] (Lays on the bed)

*Cuts to the dining hall*

Marco: [nope can't eat here!!]

*Shows him eating in his cell*

Marco: Least I can eat in here.

*Cuts to the court yard*

Marco: [At least here I can hit the gym!] (Shows him working out)

*Shows the shower scene*

Marco: I can't even fart here! (As he runs from the shower)

*Cuts to him on his bed*

Marco: At least the day is over now...

???: Don't get comfy newbie, today was nothing tomorrow you'll see hell! (The figure vanishes)

Marco: What the... Who was that? (Looks out the door but he'd vanished) [I don't know but I'm scared of what tomorrow holds...]

*Cuts to black*

Scene 1

*Shows the sunrising over the prison but none of the light enters the prison walls*

Marco: (staring out the barred window) Even the sun can't get past those walls... I wonder what Andrea's doing right now? Probably getting ready for work by now... I wonder when she'll visit... (Says aloud)

Officer: Shut up! I don't want to hear you yap on about that girl of yours, it's time to for breakfast! (Bangs on Marco's bars with his rod) Get moving!!

Marco: Okay! (Rushes out of the cell)

Scene 2

Marco: Let's get this over with... (Gets the food)

Random person: Hey, you!

Marco: (looks away) [He's definitely not talking to me...]

Random person: Mr Sweet cheeks! Get over here!

Marco: [Nope, not me...] (Walks away)

Random person: Playing hard to get won't get you anywhere!! I'm coming for that ass!!

???: Calm yourself comrade you'll get him sooner or later, I know it. (The dark figure smirks)

Marco: [The oats is the same as yesterday. So the apple is my best bet...] (Bites it)

???: Smart move... I put something In that oats of your, let's say it would have made you let's say very sleepy...

Marco: Why would you do that?

???: Well it would have been a shame if you fell asleep and my friend were too.... (Says mysteriously)

Marco: No you wouldn't... (In shock)

???: Like I said you've seen nothing compared to the hell I'm gonna show you!! (The figure vanishes)

Marco: [Well that guys against me, and now I can't fall asleep during the day or...] (Shrugges in disgust) [That might happen.]

Scene 3

*Set in the yard again as Marco walks in*

Marco: [I don't know if he's done something in my room, so Im gonna work out here for now...] (Starts his workout)

*Then out of nowhere a voice calls him out*

???: You think your all that? Then come in here and fight me! (Calls him the make-shift ring in the yard)

Marco: .... [Is this another trap?.. I won't know until I fight him.] (Puts on his gloves)

*Marco steps into the ring and there an ominous pressure aluminating off of the unknown prisoner*

Marco: Let's go! [That aura...] (He moves around the ring slowly)

???: Come on! Or are you too p#$$y to fight me! (Says in a deep menacing voice)

Marco: [I've got to make the first move!] (He dashes in to middle range tries to throw a left jab)

*But a split second before it lands he vanishes behind Marco standing in a siloet with his back facing Marco*

Marco: What the?..[I thought he was... (Shakes it off and goes again) He just caught me off guard!] (Marco throws a barrage of hooks but it hits nothing air) [How is that possible he's vanishing right before my eyes, that speed isn't human...] (Looks at his back in the first person with his eyes starting to blur as his breathes get heavier) [I'm out of gas...] (He looks extremely fatigued and can hardly move)

???:Are you done? (Looks down on him and smirks) Coz now it's turn!! (His smirk turn to a menacing smile as he dashes into Marco's face)

Marco:Wow! [I didn't even see him move an inch!]

*The prisoner unleashes a powerful barrage of blows that send Marco flying across the ring*

Marco: [These punches feel like frey trains striking me everywhere I turn...] (His vision gets blurry as his left eye is completely shut) [I'm losing it... (His knees buckle) I can't... Stop him...] (As he was about hit the matt)

???: Who said you could fall?! (Steps in and sends an uppercut) I'm just starting to fun!! (An evil aura covers him as the dark figures face grows a giant grin as he pummels Marco)

*Blood flys all over the floor as Marco lays face down covered in bruises and cuts*

The officer: What the hell!! Stop right there! (Goes to the ring and picks Marco up) He's still alive, All of you back to your cells!! Now! (As he takes him to the medical ward)

Doctor: Who did this to him?

The officer: The no.1 threat in this jails history... Date Kazuru! (We finally get the reveal to the figure) He has a rap sheet a mile long and a body count in the thousands, he's a stone cold killer that gets enjoyment from beating the weak women were his favorites.And he's been wreaking havoc both inside and out of jail for the past 20 years until he was finally taken here and sentenced to life in prison.

Doctor: He's a monster... (He tends to Marco's wounds) Now he's making Marco his next target...

*An hour later*

Marco: Huh? Where am I? (Looks around in fear) Andrea! Andrea!! (Tries to call out for her)

*The doctor walks in*

Doctor: I'm sorry Marco but your still in jail, this is the medical ward.

Marco: I see, I'm still in this nightmare eh?..

Doctor: I've got to take your vitals and your vision.

Marco: Okay.

*The doctor examines him and it appears that Marco's left eye in swollen shut*

Doctor: Okay, this swelling should only be temporary but the tissue inside your left eye was severely damaged to the point where it almost destroyed your retuns and would have rendered you blind in your left eye. (Puts a pack of ice on it) So right now keep that eye covered up and don't do anything stupid with Date or else next he'll kill you.

Scene 4

*Set in Marco's cell as he sits there looking defeated*

Marco: [This is worse then I ever thought. (Looks in the mirror) He destroyed my eye! I've been in a lot of fight before but I've never been hit like that before. His strength isn't human... Then what is he?] (Pans to him in the showers)

*Marco is casually shower off, it pans around his body to show the countless bruises across his body*

Marco: [My body hurts so much, at least this warn water feels good across my body...]

*But before Marco can have a moments peace Date steps in to the shower next to him*

Date: So how's that eye of your doing? (Says arrogantly)

Marco: F#ck you!

Date: Wow, wow you don't want my friend to hear you in here, and he won't hesitate to spread your cheeks like Moses did the sea. So how do you want to play this?

Marco: What do you mean?

Date: You see in a place like this you need friends in high places if you want to survive, so for a one time only deal I'll be your friend and protect you from the rapists in here, or you can take the second opinion which is... (His voice changes and becomes more minical ) To oppose me and reject my offer... So Marco... What do you choose?

Marco: Ahh... (Looks shocked)

*As he is about to answer it cuts to black*

To be continued...
