'Tee rak you had to many drinks now lets go!' Alex says to poo

'Mai! Phi! Let me have some more na!!! Na ! Na! ' poo looks alex with doe eyes

'Ah ah fine! But one last' alex says

' ai meung have you seen Rei!'way ask alex

' mai! Wasn't he with you some time back?' Alex says

' yaa but Rei said he needed some space I thought he'll be here now it been 30 mins now!' Way says

Moon trips on the couch crying ' why ? No one wanna date me huhh ai alex your friend drank expensive drinks and left me with the bill huhhh!' Moon says as he tries to balance himself

'Ai way where is Rei?' Moon asks way

'You had enough lets go' alex says in commanding tone to poo

' phi i wanna stay bit more naa!' Poo puts his hands on alex's shoulder and shaking him to make him stay bit more

' MAI! We are going home' alex stood up and pull poo up

Poo making meh face ' phi one last drink and i promise we will go okay?' Lefts his index finger to show count number one

'Maaaiii' alex bends down to grab poo by his legs and carries him by his shoulders

' ai way we are heading out can you take care of moon?' Alex says to way

' ahh ah you guys go !' Way says

'And if you get in touch with Rei let me know okay and don't worry he'll be fine' alex says and heads out

' aaaaaaa!!' Moon pats the couch in anger

' nong moon lets go' way grabs moon hand

' aaaahhhh why' moon cries and drag way to sit next to him

' phi look don't i look loveable?huh huh' moon comes close to way's face and way puts his index finger on his forehead to push him back

'Ahmmm! Nong lets goo' ways says

Way comes close to moon pats his head and says' nong you'll get someone who'll love you for you not for your money but before that please be mature dai mai?'

Moon's eyes widen

*beep beep* 'khun moon pr 100' moon watch says

Both way and moon looks at the watch

'Fine lets go!' Moon says

After dropping moon at his home way gives Rei endless calls but he doesn't picks up.


*rei calling*

'Hello! rei where the fuck are you huh?' Way burst out on rei

'Ai meung ! I am in the hospital right now' rei says

' what ?are you okay ?should i come?' Way says in panic

' i am fine! Way its just i saved someone sunking in the sea that person is now resting is out of risk' rei explains

' okay! But what were you doing near the sea?' Way ask

The flash of the night hits Rei and says ' nothing just like that to clear my mind'

'Okay! Let me know if you need anything' way says

' ahh' rei says

Nurse knocks the door and starts taking the vitals

'Khun did we get any information about the patient?' Nurse ask rei

' no !' Rei replies

' okay lets wait for him to wake up' nurse says

' khub na nurse!' Rei replies

Nurse takes the exit and rei steps close to the patient

' he is good looking maybe i can keep him once he ways up! Rei talks to himself

' his eyelashes are so long!' Rei looks closing and as he comes close to him slowly he opens his eyes and both of them see eachother too close

' aaah' they both screamed and bumped there heads together