9. North Under Reign of Jaehaerys

The new Lord Walton Stark would first begin his reign of being Lord of Winterfell, by securing his rule over the North, specifically over the Three Sisters, as they were recently conquered as the North and the Three Sisters had historically bad relations ever since the Rape of the Three Sisters by Theon Stark, when the North brutally invaded it due to Sister Men pirates and slavers attacking Northern trade ships and some of the Northern Coast. He'd start by establishing one wooden palisade fort surrounded by a moat defended by one thousand men on all three of the Islands, these forts would help further establish Stark control over the islands, however, the occupation wouldn't completely establish control, as their would-be resistance to Stark control, not always violent, but unrest would last there for decades. One instance would even result in the fort on Sweetsister set alight and the garrison wiped out.


Lord Walton seeing much of the unrest there, went to some of his best smiths, and stonemasons to figure out a way to ship material over to construct more permanent forts there without needing to move stone over on ships, as that would've been risky, time-consuming, and expensive since they weren't meant to be permanent. The answer came from the Valyian people living in Wintercity, they had recently begun looking into much of the technology that they thought was lost during the late part of Lord Brandon Stark's reign, and with most writings lost most knowledge was only passed down verbally, from only a small amount of the already small Valyrian populace. One of these inventions they managed to rediscover, would be Valyrian Concrete, (Roman Concrete) it was a surprisingly easy and inexpensive material to make that was insulating meaning that heat would be kept in, long-lasting, easy to transport, strong however not as strong as the massive stones that castles were built out of, but more than enough for establishing forts, as they wouldn't have gone done without at least some form of siege engines. Once the new Valyrian concrete forts were constructed, they helped decrease resistance on the islands drastically.


Shortly after the construction of the Valyrian Concrete forts on the Three Sisters, Walton was informed about a Night's Watch rebellion taking place. This rebellion occurred because many of the men who supported Maegor's reign and many more of the Faith Militant in its rebellion. Many of those men got ambitious and tried to turn the castles that they were garrisoning on the wall into their own personal lordships. Many throughout Westeros saw this uprising as a continuation of the Faith Militant Uprising. The rebels thought that by being in the far North they would've been able to avoid the king's justice, but they did not account for the forces of House Stark. Once news of their rebelling reached Winterfell, Lord Walton and his younger brother Alaric immediately set out of Winterfell with a quickly raised force of 1,000 men, and marched north on the Winter Road, raising thousands more men on the way. By the time he reached Queenscrown, his force numbered 8,000 men, while his scouts reported that the Nights Watch Oathbreakers numbered 2,000 men, with 1,000 at Rimegate, and 1,000 at Sable Hall. Walton would then march north toward Rimegate as it was the closest castle.

When rebel scouts heard of how Walton Stark had called his men and marched North to aid the Night's Watch, they quickly began building wooden palisade walls from wood nearby and from the forest Beyond the Wall. By the time Walton reached them, they were already entrenched and dug in, as every man had been forced to build. Walton Stark would quickly have ladders built along with battering rams. Walton and his forces would immediately assault the walls, taking hundreds of casualties from rebel arrow fire, however, once they reached the top of the walls and breached the palisade gate, the Stark forces completely destroyed the rebel forces, with Walton and Alaric Stark leading from the front together wielding Ice and Winterbane cutting down dozens if not hundreds of oathbreakers, Allaric Stark would face Ser Symond Crane in single combat and carve his body in half with Winterbane, while his elder brother Walton Stark would face both Ser Jon Tolet, and Ser Olyver Bracken and kill them both in combat wielding Ice, with him cutting Ser Jon Tollet in half, and decapitating Ser Olyvar Bracken, all three of these knights being former members of King Maegor's kingsguard. With the deaths of their leaders, the rest of the traitors fell apart and broke, many were taken prisoner, but many more were just killed where they stood. Walton would then proceed to behead the 120 surviving men with Ice the next day.

Once word reached the other rebel-held castle Sable Hall about the fate of the fellow rebels at Rimegate. The rest of the rebels led by Ser Raymund Mallery, knew they stood no chance and made plans to leave the castle. By the day after they heard about the fate of Rimegate, they were marching out Beyond the Wall hoping to meet up with and join a group of Wildlings, after they set fire to the castle. Walton would lead 3,000 of his men Beyond the wall to find them, however, two days into the search for them, they were ambushed by a wildling army and a group of giants. In the fighting that ensued Walton managed to kill two of the giants with Ice, however, the third giant then snatched him out of his saddle, and then tear off his head, after he failed at trying to rip him apart, due to Walton having Valyrian Steel armor, however, the third giant would not live long, Alaric seeing his brother's death would charge at the giant and with a mad roar, he'd chop the giants leg off with a single blow with Wintersbane, causing the remaining wildlings to lose heart and retreat and in turn lose most of their men. Alaric chose to keep the giant alive and had it flayed by his friend Lord Royce Bolton for two days before he chopped its head off.

Once he got back to the wall, Alaric would declare the rebellion over, and march back to Winterfell, with his brother's bones to inter them inside the Winterfell crypt. One thing to note about the Night's Watch Rebellion, however, is that surprisingly most of the men sent by Jaehaerys to the Wall choose to stay true to their Night's Watch vows, as for every man that rebelled five men stayed true to their vows.

Once Alaric arrived back at Winterfell, he immediately interred his brother's bones. Then after that was done, he sought to continue his brother's plans of improving the North. However, his first improvement was to form a standing force of 3,000 men most of the initial members being the veterans he served with Beyond the Wall, he would name these men the Winter Guard. The men of the Winter Guard would all be trained infantry as Alaric knew that a trained force was always the best. 1,000 of those men would be heavy infantry, 1,000 would be light infantry, 500 would be archers, and the remaining 500 would be auxilary. The Winter Guard would directly swear to the Lord of Winterfell. The reason for Alaric forming the Winter Guard would be because he knew that if it was not for him and his brother giving the men they commanded in the Night's Watch Rebellion ruthless training, then they would've been torn apart when they were ambushed Beyond the Wall. 


Along with the Winter Guard, Alaric would also improve the quality and training of the city guard of Winter City, as the city population had increased to 100,000 people and needed to be expanded with another city in construction on the other side of the river. During his and his older brother's absence, they fell into disrepair. He would arm them all with brand-new heavy wool cloaks that were dyed gray. They would be equipped with mail armor, iron cudgels, iron spears, daggers, and short swords, while the color of their armor, boots, and gloves that were black. While the officers in the city guard would wear black breastplates ornamented with four silver disks. However, unlike many other city guards in Westeros like the City Watch of King's Landing, along with being used as regular guards, foot soldiers, and mounted lancers, they could also be used as true soldiers on the field, due to the amount of training they received, however, they wouldn't ever match the Winter Guard in their fierceness or combat ability. The Wintercity guard would be called the Grey Cloaks and number 5,000 men.

After the Winter Guard was formed Alaric would then focus on ways to continue the North's improvement. He would purchase better animal feed from the Reachmen for northern cattle, and sheep to grow in size, extend their lives, and allow them to grow in population multiple times over. One of the materials was clover as it was brilliant feed for cattle and sheep. This would prove to be very beneficial in the years to come. 

Shortly after this both King Jaehaerys and Queens Alysanne would send ravens announcing their intentions to visit the North. Alaric had no love for Jaehaerys because he felt that Jaehaerys sending so many men to the wall, caused the rebellion that ended up killing his brother. However, he had no enmity with Queen Alysanne. Once Alysanne arrived on the back of Silverwing, she would warm him up to her more, and they would strike up a small friendship. He was further infuriated with Jaehaerys that he did not arrive with Alysanne.

However, when she left and King Jaehaerys arrived on Vermithor, Alaric could not hide his dislike of Jaehaerys and greeted him coldly and had him follow him to the Winterfell crypt where his brother was interred. The conversation they had said the following.

Alaric: Walton lies down here in darkness in no small part thanks to you. Stars and Swords, the leavings of your seven gods, what are they to us? And yet you sent them to the Wall in their hundreds and their thousands, so many that the Night's Watch was hard pressed to feed them ... and when the worst of them rose up, the oathbreakers you had sent us, it cost my brother's life to put them down.

Jaehaerys: A grievous price, but that was never our intent. You have my regrets, my lord, and my gratitude.

Alaric: I would sooner have my brother.

Jaehaerys and Alaric would never become friends or even amicable, and Jaehaerys would leave only a few days after he arrived. Once Alysanne flew back south she talked with Alaric about possibly ending the right of First Night, asking if he or his family participated in it, he told her that house Stark hadn't practiced it in hundreds of years, however, other houses did, she would convince him to support her in ending the practice, Alaric agreed with her, however, he knew his lords wouldn't support it.

Then Alysanne talked about the possibility of increasing the Gift to the Night's Watch, which he was vehemently against as even though Alaric was a strong friend to the Watch, he knew the northern lords who already held the lands in question would not be happy to give them away and neither could the Watch manage those lands without turning their whole focus south instead of north, however, Jaehaerys had already decided that the land would be given despite Alaric's protest. This would be one more thing that the Starks and North would hold against King Jaehaerys I. Alaric's sons would even write letters to the Citadel asking the maesters about precedents against forced donation of property. Alysanne also tried to arrange future marriages with southern houses to bring the North closer to the rest of the realm, but Alaric refused and quickly made matches for them within the North. Jaehaerys did this because he wanted to use this to send a clear and non-violent message to the north on who held the power as he had grown tired of the North constantly protesting his new Code of Laws.


Shortly after the royals left, Winter kicked in. Alaric had sent word out to the Northern houses to store plenty of food for the upcoming winter, but most of his bannermen didn't obey, as the summer wasn't long. The following winter would be long and would even crush the glass of several of the Glass Gardens in Winterfell and Wintercity. That winter would even claim the life of his eldest son, shortly after his wife had his grandson, Edric. After the winter was over Alaric began looking for trade with Myr to replace the glass for the gardens. However, before he managed to do this, he was approached by one of the Valyrian glassblowers in Wintercity who notified him that he managed to make a better version of glass than the myrish one. The new glass was stronger and more flexible. Alaric would immediately replace the glass with the new Glass, and it proved to be more than strong enough for it, Alaric would then order all Glass Gardens in the North to have their glass replaced with Glass. Glass would prove to be a great trade commodity for the North, however, it would lower trade relations with Myr as it took away their wealthiest clients. 


A little over a decade after the Glass Gardens were all replaced, Alaric would pass from illness, and the Lordship of Winterfell and the North would pass onto his grandson from his eldest son, Edric, however he too would pass only a few years after of illness, and then it would pass onto Edric's brother Ellard. It would be during Ellard's reign that The Great Council will be held where he will vote for Rhaenys and Laenor Velaryon because of his anger on Jaehaerys over giving The New Gift to Watch without their consent and also because in North while a son comes first but the granddaughter comes before second son. Soon after he will also pass away without heir and his cousin Benjen would become lord of Winterfell


A while after the young Benjen Stark (born 78 AC) inherited Winterfell, he would've been approached by Queen Alysanne about a marriage between him and her daughter Princess Viserra Targaryen (born 75 AC, slight change). Benjen would agree and a year later they would be married. This would be the first marriage between houses Targaryen and Stark. Their marriage would take place twice, once at the Godswood in front of the newly planted Weirwood Tree, and another larger and far grander wedding in the Dragonpit. The two would eventually fall in love in their marriage, which was surprising given Viserra's ambition to instead become the Queen. Benjen and Viserra would have two sons Rickon and Bennard, with Rickon being the eldest son and Lord Benjen's heir.

Towards the end of Lord Benjen's reign, King Jaehaerys would begin construction of the Dragon Roads over the kingsroad he had previously begun construction on. He would first start in the North to better repair relations with them, doing this would largely repair the mend between the Starks and Jaehaerys, for the most part. The dragon roads would be built over the coming years, and with plenty of the Targaryen dragon riders around it would only take a few years to complete. Shortly after the dragon roads were completed both Lord Benjen and Viserra would die, and be buried in the Winterfell Crypt together, however only Lord Benjen would have a statue made.


With the death of Lord Benjen Stark his eldest son Rickon Stark would become the lord of Winterfell. Rickon Stark would have a short reign as he would pass from illness a few years after becoming Lord of Winterfell. His reign wouldn't be very special, and the lordship will pass onto his young son, Cregan, who was born in the early reign of Viserys I Targaryen.


With the death of Rickon Stark, the regency of Cregan Stark by his uncle Bennard starting, in the later rule of King Viserys I, it was thought that the realm would enter a second golden age under him, however, King Viserys I reign would only be the precursor, the calm before the storm that was the bloodiest war Westeros had ever seen for thousands of years.