In Dragon's Wroth during Dornish War of Conquest, a dornish host was marching towards Targaryen's host on the banks Torrentine. When Visenya learned about the host, she took flight on Vhagar towards the host and rained fire on them. But during that something extraordinary happened that is not talked about much north of Dorne. When fire was about to land on Garin Dayne, second son of then Lord Dayne, he closed his eyes in fear of the burning pain, but the pain never came. When he opened his eyes, he saw steam rising above him. Yes, he was able to call upon the power of water magic of rhoynish, first after the reign of Red Princes.
He immediately went to meet some Orphans of the Greenblood, that he knew about. He talked with them about how is this possible and what does it mean. Why did this power manifest within him after all these years. Then, the Orphans announced that it is finally time to return to the Mother Rhoyne and she has chosen Garin as her champion. They talked about this with many other Orphans, and they all agreed on it. They went to ask support from many houses that still follow the religion of Mother Rhoyne. While the lords didn't believe them, they didn't want their line to end by their old rivals, the dragons. So, they agreed to lend them support if they take their heir secondary with them.
Garin took permission from his father Lord Dayne, while the Orphans gathered people who wanted to return to their motherland or want to get away from the all the death. Then they took a hundred ships, captured from Hightower's and Velaryon's or brought from the savings of Orphans, full of people across the Narrow Sea and using the same old channel that Nymeria used they sailed up north.
The voices of thousands singing and cheering is heard as tears of joy flow freely, the emotions are hard to ignore, and even harder to suppress despite all knowing that they can't be found or caught unless they wish to be sold into slavery, despite this few think of the consequences for their hearts overwhelm their minds. Though the celebrations are not to last for soon the children of Rhoyne grow silent at the sight of ruins, clearly Rhoynar, which reminds them of the stakes of their journey, that while they have returned to their mother, they are yet not safe.
For the Rhoynar, the question now is where to find the land upon which they are to settle. This is a trickier thing than imagined, for the Rhoynar have to find a place to settle where they could avoid the Dothraki, the slavers, the pirates, the free cities and any other enemies. Mother Rhoyne may be large, but she has still been divided up by outsiders and there is not place where her children can settle safely.
The realisation quickly saps they joy and happiness from the Rhoynar as they continue to sail upstream and into the Sorrows. The Sorrows is a stretch of the Rhoyne from south of Dagger Lake to beyond the ruins of Chroyane, the festival city. Each Rhoynar knew the tale of the Sorrows of how when the rhoynish armies were burnt by the dragons, Garin, the Great leader of their armies had called upon a curse, bringing greyscale and thick damp fog to what was once the heartlands of the Rhoynar, making sure that their city and lands could not be taken by the Valyrian's.
As they approach the Great Sorrow or the city of Chroyane, a sense despair burst from the Rhoynar, an almost physical blanket enveloped them for at one time the bleak ruin in front of them was the festival city, the richest, most beautiful and most powerful city of the Rhoynar people. Now it was a ruin inhabited by stone men and fog.
It is here that Garin, according to tales, was whispered a secret by mother Rhoyne, and he commanded that the fleet sail into the fog, westwards. This caused an uproar amongst the captains present who declare the fog it too thick, to which Garin replies using the now famous words, "the Son of the Rhoyne on orders from the Mother herself commands this to be done and so you will.". Reluctantly the flagship carrying Garin turned left and starts sailing, suddenly cries breakout as people protest, as they don't want to get stuck by the ruins being obscured by the fog and to then be killed by the stone men, but Garin remains determined and orders them forward. To the astonishment of the people however, while the fog gets thicker and thicker until it's not possible to see what they had right in front of their eyes, they do not reach shore rather they come out of the fog to a paradise. A warm sun and lush fertile fields greet the Rhoynar who emerge from the fog of the Sorrows, as they now are entering the river Lohrulu, the smiling daughter.
The fog, which until now had prevented people from coming closer had become a shield, protecting these lands for centuries waiting for the children of the Rhoyne to come home.
The entire fleet soon enters the tributary river and make their way upstream. Halfway they stop when they spot the ruins of an old city, which looks mendable, surrounded by open fields and which has a large river dock. Therefore in 13 AC the Rhoynar settle at what shall be called the Sunfort, where they crown Garin the first king of the Rhoynar as reward for bringing them back home. Soon, the Orphans will go onto call the Rhoynar from all the places they have fled to like the Basilisk Isles, parts of Sothoryos, Summer Isles, Stepstones etc.
Garin would lead to Rhoynar into an age of peace and his descendants and people would use this to rebuild not only their civilisation but also their strength, for now that they were finally home after so long, not even dragons or those who think themselves dragons could remove them or take it from them.
Much of Garin's and his descendant's reign would pass in rebuilding the city and claiming the nearby lands and making sure they are not discovered and building a proper army for the defense of the city. They will continue to build secretly until finally they emerged in 124 AC by reclaiming the Sorrows and city of Chroyane. The story of how the Rhoynar ended the Sorrows and reclaimed the city of Chroyane is very popular. Their king Garin II had determined that since fire had brought the sorrow to the Rhoyne, only fire would take it away. And so had walked into the sorrows with 250 men and a large caravan of a substance known to produce a flame called wildfire, akin to dragon fire. And then he must have set them alight, for the very fog of the sorrows is said to have burnt after a few hours. The Rhoynar told of how the entire lands of the Sorrows were set alight, with the flames dying out within second, moving through the fog like a wave. Leaving behind ash covered ruins and piles ashes. Burning and killing all the pirates who had made their home in the Sorrows. It also restored life to the land which finally had greenery growing on it again.