gym battle

After catching a polywag whom ived named Surge we did a little bit of training with him and Blaze so both pokemon would be ready for the upcoming gym battle. I return to viridian city to rest the night at the pokemon center. After resting the night at the pokemon center I head to the gym I'm feeling nervous as I enter. I'm greeted by a young trainer that says I have to beat him before I can take on the gym leader. I start the battle with blaze the other trainer sends out a diglet. I know the type matchup is in his favor so I start off by using scratch a normal move that the diglet dodges ans counters with a tackle sending blaze to floor he gets up ember I yell. Blaze opens his mouth and a small burst of flames shoots out and makes a direct hit to the diglet doing almost no damage to the ground type pokemon. Scratch again this time making contact the diglet retreats underground. The trainer then says use dig and the diglet burst put of the ground under Blaze sending him flying into the air only to hit the hard dirt of the gym floor. Blaze is unable to continue the battle I return blaze to his pokeball and send out surge the polywag who is excited for the battle. Use water gun I say as surge jumps forward towards the diglet spewing water from its mouth hitting diglet causing it to slump over from the super effective hit. The next pokemon the trainer sends out is a cubone that hits the battlefield already preparing to throw it bonemerang. I yell for surge to dodge he manages to roll out of the way before I yell for another water gun it blast the cubone in the helmet but the cubone shakes it off and catches it bone. Next I tell surge to get in close and go for a double slap but the cubone hits surge over the head with its bone club dealing a critical hit surge rolls to the ground barley able to get up. I'm not sure how much more surge can endure we wait to see cubone next move cubone use dig the trainer commands. The cubone quickly dig itself under the gym floor I quickly tell surge to fill the hole dug by cubone with water gun. Surge spews water into the hole in the gym floor bubble Stat coming from the hole and soon a defeated cubone just makes it to the surface before his trainer can return him. The trainer walks up to me abs says good job but your going to need to do better then that if you wanna beat the gym leader and gives me 200 dollars for prize money. Knowing that my team is tired I decide to head back to pokemon center to get them both checked out the nurse tells me they are both fine and just need some rest. So I end up staying another night at the pokémon center while my team rests up.