
The next morning I wake up blaze is sleeping next me to I get up looking to see if Tru was awake yet. She was awake and packing up her tent. I pack up my sleeping bag and we set off for pewter city along the way I tell Tru about last night's encounter and show her the stone neither of us could think of what it could be I place it back in my bag afterwards. After reaching pewter city we head to the pokemon center. Inside is a man asking for help he doesn't have any pokemon and needs an escort through mount moon. After discussing it the man and Tru we agree to lead him through mount moon. But I still want to challenge Brock before we set off. He said three days before he would return to the gym so we spend the day in pewter city. I get up the next morning heading straight to the gym where Brock is waiting. Brock says I knew you would be here I'm ready when you are we head to the battlefield. Surge makes quick work of Brocks pokemon with his type advantage over rock type pokemon. That is until he sends out his ace pokemon onix. Surge just can't seem to deal enough damage to the giant rock snake and after a few rounds of battle surge is exhausted I call him back but surge protests it wanting to finish the fight. But we soon end up in between a rock and a hard place. Onix has surge binded up twisting around surge with it's massive rock body and begins squeezing surge. Brock laughs says you may to recall your pokemon nix won't stop until you give up. Surge is in agony but refuses to quit blasting onix with water gun unable to break free he starts to struggle but suddenly a giant glow envelopes surge and his form grows larger he trust free from onix. My pokedex starts alarming. Congratulations your poliwag evolved to a poliwhirl. With surges evolution he learned bubblebeam and using his new move and strength he is finally able to take onix down winning us the bolder badge. Welp that's two badges down. Brock congratulates us on our win and I make my back to the pokemon center to rest up surge and meet with Tru. We meet up Joe the man that asked for help getting through mount moon and start our journey to reach the mountain pass that leads to the mountain. Stopping at a pokemon center at the bottom of the mountain. Inside a man trys to sale me a magickarp but I politely decline his offer. The Tru and I tel Joe we will head out first thing in the morning.