Chapter Five: First Day, First Fiasco

If Myraa thought her speech at the opening ceremony was the height of awkwardness, her first day at Camellia Academy wasted no time proving her wrong.

For starters, breakfast at the Reizei estate was an event in itself. A dozen dishes—none of which Myraa could pronounce—were laid out in perfect symmetry on the table. The staff hovered nearby, ready to refill her tea the second she took a sip.

Kyra, of course, looked effortlessly elegant as she picked at her food. Myraa, on the other hand, nearly knocked over her teacup reaching for a bowl of rice. "Are you sure I'm allowed to touch this stuff? It looks like it belongs in a food museum."

"Try not to embarrass yourself," Kyra replied smoothly, sipping her tea.

"Too late," Myraa muttered as she nearly spilled soy sauce on her uniform.

"Your ride is ready, Miss Reizei," one of the butlers announced, bowing so deeply Myraa was afraid he'd sprain something.


The Royal Arrival

Arriving at Camellia Academy was somehow even worse than the opening ceremony. A line of sleek black cars pulled up to the entrance, each carrying a student who looked like they'd stepped off the cover of Elite Monthly. Myraa's car, of course, had to be the last one to arrive, which meant all eyes were on her as she stepped out.

Whispers erupted immediately.

"She's so graceful!"

"She's a real Reizei, after all!"

"I heard she's already giving out career advice to the teachers!"

What are they even TALKING about? Myraa thought, clinging to her bag like it was a lifeline.

Kyra stepped out behind her, radiating an aura of cool detachment. The whispers grew louder. Myraa could practically feel the stares burning into her back as Kyra, acting every bit the part of her "knight," gestured for her to follow.

"Do they ever stop staring?" Myraa muttered under her breath.

"No," Kyra replied simply.

"Fantastic," Myraa said, trying to look anywhere but directly at the gawking crowd.


Classroom Chaos

Myraa's first class was homeroom, and the second she stepped through the door, the whispers started again.

"She's even prettier in person!"

"Did you see her speech yesterday? So relatable!"

"I heard she's related to the Emperor!"

Related to the WHAT?! Myraa thought, freezing mid-step. She forced herself to keep moving, sliding into the nearest empty seat in the back row.

The teacher, a prim woman with sharp glasses and a clipboard, cleared her throat. "We're honored to have Miss Myraa Reizei joining us this year. I trust you'll all treat her with the respect she deserves."

The room burst into applause. Myraa, who had been reaching for her pencil case, nearly fell out of her chair. "Uh… thanks?" she mumbled, sinking lower in her seat.

The teacher smiled warmly. "Miss Reizei, would you like to say a few words?"

NO, I WOULD NOT, Myraa thought, her panic levels spiking. But somehow, she found herself standing anyway, her palms sweaty and her brain blank.

"Uh… hi," she began, her voice cracking. "Um… I'm Myraa. Thanks for, uh, having me here? This school is really… shiny. I mean, nice. It's nice. Really nice."

To her shock, the students erupted into applause again.

"She's so humble!" one girl whispered.

"I bet she's a genius!" another added.

What is WRONG with these people?! Myraa thought as she sat back down, her face burning.


The Idol Manager Returns

By lunchtime, the rumors about Myraa had spiraled out of control. She could barely take a bite of her bento without overhearing something ridiculous.

"I heard she's secretly a pop idol hiding from the media!"

"Someone told me she's already written a bestselling book!"

"My mom said she's heir to a maple syrup empire in Canada!"

The maple syrup thing again? Really?! Myraa groaned, shoving a piece of tamagoyaki into her mouth.

"Miss Reizei!"

Myraa nearly choked as a girl with a clipboard and way too much energy appeared beside her. "I'm the president of the Student Idol Appreciation Club! Are you accepting applications for your fan club?"

"My… what?" Myraa asked, staring at her like she'd just grown a second head.

"Your fan club, of course! Oh, and if you need a manager, I'd be honored! I have connections to several media outlets, and I'm excellent at scheduling—"

"I'm not an idol!" Myraa interrupted, waving her chopsticks for emphasis. "Why does everyone think I'm an idol?!"

The girl blinked, looking genuinely confused. "You're not?"


"Well," the girl said thoughtfully, "you could be. Have you ever considered it? Your face is very marketable."

Myraa dropped her chopsticks and buried her face in her hands. "This is my life now," she muttered.


The Fan Club Incident

As if lunch wasn't chaotic enough, Myraa's attempt to find a quiet corner afterward led her straight into Kyra's fan club.

They were gathered around a table, whispering reverently about their "prince" when Myraa accidentally sat down, not realizing the significance of the spot she'd chosen. The entire table went silent, and dozens of eyes turned to her.

"Uh… hi?" Myraa said nervously.

"You're sitting at Kyra's Admirers' Table," one of the girls whispered, her tone a mix of awe and horror.

"Oh, sorry!" Myraa said quickly, starting to stand. But before she could leave, one of the girls grabbed her hand.

"No, wait! You're perfect!"

"Perfect for what?" Myraa asked, alarmed.

"To be our queen!"

"Your WHAT?!"

The table erupted into cheers. Someone pulled out a flower crown. Another student started drafting an official decree. Myraa, meanwhile, sat frozen, wondering how her life had spiraled this far out of control.


Kyra to the Rescue (Sort Of)

Just as the chaos reached its peak, Kyra appeared, cutting through the crowd like a blade through butter. She placed a calm hand on Myraa's shoulder, sending the table into collective swoons.

"Move," she said simply, her tone leaving no room for argument.

The fan club dispersed immediately, bowing and mumbling apologies. Myraa turned to glare at Kyra. "Could you not make this worse?"

Kyra smirked. "How is it worse? I just saved you from being crowned."

"That's not a normal sentence!" Myraa hissed, grabbing her bag and storming off.

Kyra followed at a leisurely pace. "You're welcome," she called after her.

"I don't need your weird knight thing!" Myraa shot back over her shoulder.

Kyra chuckled softly. "We'll see about that."
