Chapter Sixteen: The Charity Gala and Reina’s Ultimate Fail

The day of the charity gala arrived, and Myraa was pretty sure she was about to have a heart attack.

The Reizei estate had been transformed into an event straight out of a high-society drama. Lanterns lined the cobblestone paths, cherry blossoms were lit up with soft golden lights, and the sound of a string quartet drifted through the air. Guests in elegant evening wear moved through the garden, sipping champagne and exchanging pleasantries like it was second nature.

Myraa, on the other hand, felt like an imposter.

"Why is everything so shiny?" she muttered, fidgeting with the sash of her gown as she peeked out from behind a curtain in the main hall.

Kyra, standing beside her in a perfectly tailored black suit and waistcoat, gave her a sideways glance. "It's a gala, Myraa. It's supposed to be shiny."

"That doesn't help!" Myraa hissed, clutching her cue cards like they were a lifeline.

"You'll be fine," Kyra said, adjusting her cuffs. "Just smile, don't trip, and remember what we practiced."

"Easy for you to say, Mr. Cool-and-Collected," Myraa grumbled. "You're not the one who has to make a speech in front of a room full of terrifying rich people."

Kyra smirked. "I could do it for you, if you'd like."

"Don't tempt me," Myraa muttered.


The Gala Begins

As the guests filled the grand hall, Myraa took her place near the stage, trying not to hyperventilate. Camellia was mingling with the crowd, effortlessly charming everyone in her elegant silk kimono, while Hajime stood off to the side, observing everything with his usual intensity.

When the clock struck seven, Camellia stepped onto the stage to welcome the guests. Her presence commanded the room, and for a brief moment, Myraa allowed herself to hope that maybe—just maybe—she wouldn't have to say anything after all.

That hope was crushed two minutes later.

"And now," Camellia said with a smile, "I'd like to invite my granddaughter, Myraa Reizei, to say a few words."

The room erupted into polite applause as Myraa froze like a deer in headlights.

"You've got this," Kyra murmured, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Myraa gulped, nodded, and stepped onto the stage, her legs feeling like jelly. She stood behind the podium, staring out at the sea of faces.

Oh no. Oh no. Oh no.

"Uh… hi," she began, her voice cracking slightly. "I mean, good evening. Thank you all for coming."

The room fell silent, and Myraa's brain promptly went blank.

"Um…" She glanced down at her cue cards, only to realize they were upside down.

A ripple of nervous laughter ran through the crowd, but before Myraa could completely spiral, she caught sight of Kyra standing near the edge of the stage. Her cousin gave her a small, reassuring nod, and suddenly, Myraa found her footing.

"I'll be honest," she said, looking back at the audience. "I'm not great at this whole fancy speech thing. In fact, I'm probably the least qualified Reizei in the room. But I guess that's what makes this family so interesting—we're not perfect, but we show up anyway. And tonight, we're here to make a difference. So, let's raise a ridiculous amount of money, eat too many fancy appetizers, and maybe even enjoy ourselves. Thank you!"

The room burst into applause, and Myraa stumbled off the stage, her face burning.

"You didn't trip," Kyra said as she handed her a glass of water.

"Miraculously," Myraa muttered, taking a sip.


Reina's Grand Sabotage

Meanwhile, Reina was lurking near the dessert table, her plan already in motion.

Her minions had rigged one of the gala's centerpiece fountains—the one meant to pour champagne—to spew an embarrassing, sticky mess of bright pink punch instead. And, of course, Reina had made sure that Myraa would be standing right next to it when it went off.

"This is going to be perfect," Reina whispered, watching the fountain with gleeful anticipation.

But, as usual, things didn't go according to plan.


The Pink Fountain Fiasco

Just as Myraa was starting to relax, there was a loud, ominous gurgling sound from the direction of the champagne fountain.

She turned just in time to see the fountain sputter and shake before exploding in a geyser of bright pink liquid.

The room gasped, and for one horrifying moment, Myraa thought she was about to get drenched.

But then—out of nowhere—Kyra appeared.

With lightning-fast reflexes, Kyra grabbed a nearby tablecloth and threw it over the fountain, blocking most of the spray. A few stray drops hit Myraa's dress, but she was otherwise unscathed.

The same could not be said for Reina, who had been standing too close to the fountain in her eagerness to watch the disaster unfold.

By the time the fountain was contained, Reina was dripping in sticky pink punch, her elegant gown completely ruined.

The room erupted into laughter, and several guests discreetly snapped photos of Reina's unfortunate state.

"Oh, no," Myraa said, biting back a grin. "What a tragedy."

Reina shot her a glare that could have melted steel. "This isn't over," she hissed before storming out of the room, leaving a trail of pink footprints behind her.


The Aftermath

Once the chaos had subsided, Myraa found herself standing on the balcony, gazing out at the moonlit garden. She still couldn't believe she'd survived the night—or that Kyra had saved her yet again.

"Thinking about your next disaster?" Kyra asked, appearing beside her.

Myraa jumped slightly but didn't bother scolding her for sneaking up this time. "Just trying to figure out how you're always in the right place at the right time."

"It's a talent," Kyra said, leaning casually against the railing.

Myraa turned to look at her, frowning slightly. "Why do you do it? Seriously. Why are you always… there for me?"

Kyra hesitated, her usual smirk faltering. "Do you really need to ask?"

"Yes," Myraa said, crossing her arms. "Because I don't get it. You could be anywhere else, doing literally anything else, but you're always looking out for me. Why?"

Kyra's gaze softened, and for a moment, Myraa thought she might actually get a straight answer.

But then Kyra shrugged, her smirk returning. "Someone has to keep you out of trouble."

"Ugh," Myraa groaned, throwing her hands in the air. "You're impossible."

Kyra chuckled, but her eyes lingered on Myraa a moment longer than necessary.


Reina's New Low

Back in her dorm room, Reina was pacing furiously, her dress still stained with pink punch.

"This is humiliating!" she shouted, throwing her hairbrush across the room. "How does she always come out on top?!"

One of her minions hesitated. "Well, um… maybe it's because Kyra—"

"Don't say her name!" Reina snapped, cutting her off. "I don't care what it takes. I will bring Myraa down if it's the last thing I do."

Her minions exchanged nervous glances, but none of them dared to respond.