Chapter 54 Assistance from Behind the Scenes

While Avery and Kasandra were still off in the Prazan System wrapping up the energy lifeform emergency, certain machinations were moving forward back on Yuson II.

"Sir, what's the meaning of this?"

Having stormed into her superior's office, Sergeant Jasmine Iralus was visibly upset. When she had been reviewing files on the case surrounding Avery and the ship he found, SCXD-011, the data had suddenly been restricted and subsequently erased.

When she searched for where the orders for this had come from, she found that it led back to her captain.

"Oh, had you still been working on that?" Captain Varnas said disinterestedly. "I suppose the order to have it expunged from our records came before the one meant for you."

Jasmine was visibly confused, but Varnas elaborated and gave her the order she was soon to receive in person.