Avery sent full power to the Sterkur's sensors the moment that the match started.
In a battle like this, information was key, and figuring out Ezra's first move would allow him to not be surprised by his opponent.
'He's moving cautiously to the west. Making sure to keep buildings between us as he closes in. But he must have some sort of cloaking device since I can't get a perfect read on where he is. Just his general location.' Avery thought, carefully analyzing the information he had gathered.
Still, he knew the general vicinity of where Ezra was, and had no intention of letting him take the initiative.
With a heavy step, he shot forward and charged towards his adversary's location.
Using the Sterkur's immense offensive and defensive power, there was no need to hide around and try to make an opening. Rushing in and using the power armor's immense strength to finish things off quickly would be for the best.