"I'm sorry that I lost my composure during battle. I promise it won't happen again."
Jasmine bowed her head deeply and profusely apologized to Avery and Kasandra.
She had frozen up during the fight with the extremists when she should have been doing her job as a supporter. Kasandra had made sure to cover the work she was supposed to be doing so that Avery would not be distracted, but that was no excuse for her failure.
"Go ahead and raise your head. It's hardly a matter worth fretting over. I should have warned you about what I was planning on doing first. Since you used to be a member of the police, I didn't consider what it would be like for you to experience such a deadly battle for your first time with ship-to-ship combat. That's my fault. Having missiles and lasers large enough to engulf your whole ship flying at you isn't something easy to get used to." Avery said to alleviate any guilt that Jasmine was feeling.