"Damn it! Where did that brat go?"
"I told you not to give him that tablet."
"How was I supposed to know he could use it to break out! It didn't even have the capability to access any networks. Just some games and books downloaded onto it to distract and shut him up."
"You should have known better. Baccigans are crafty. Give them some parts and they cobble together whatever they need. You might as well have just handed him an access key."
Hiding behind a container in a back alley, a small, six-armed humanoid listened to the grumblings of his pursuers.
Around ten days ago he had been caught while hiding out on a small outpost in the Xoatis System.
His captors had shoved him onto a ship and brought him to a new station where he had been detained.
It was only a little later that he learned the reason for his kidnapping. These people were using him as leverage to force his uncle to work for them.