2. Murder or Suicide

Selvam stayed still frozen looking the dead body. He was totally numb seeing the dead body and blood all over the room. He was unable to move. He could hardly get out from his gaze. His ears could hear the sound coming from the walkie-talkie.

"Selvam, stay away from Kim. Don't approach him. we are on the way." The voice kept on spreading but he couldn't get his eyes out from it.

He fainted there. The room filled with silence again. His ears could hardly hear the sound of siren approaching towards the house. He could hear the thumping foots walking up the staircase. The voice was nearing and nearing. 

"Salera Liu, call the joint police force immediately" Qui Falon immediately ordered looking the scene. The door was half open. They entered inside. 

Qui Falon picked up the water bottle from the ground and threw over the face of Selvam. Qui Falon spoke, "all of you stay where you are? " Everyone paused at a certain. 

Salera Liu had called the additional reinforcements and forensic departments.

"Sir, it may take some time for the forensic team to arrive."

They looked the room clearly in mess. The blood everywhere. Qui Falon helped Selvam to rise up.

Qui Falon spoke," Salera, go and watch the upper room. Ask everyone to observe every detailing's in the house. Make sure to find the evidence related with this clue." 

He looked back at Selvam and spoke," Selvam, go and fetch the cc tv footage." Selvam left from there towards the main gate.

Qui Falon entered the room. He stepped near the pillow fallen to the ground then looked the table light broken down near it. The table fan wings were scattered too. He looked to the money plant in the corner. it was totally safe. The cottons were widespread all over the ground full of blood. His eyes locked the broken windows glass. There was small hole in the glass. At the meantime, he heard the voice outside. He went out from there.

There was Salera approaching towards him along with the forensic team. She came near him and spoke," Sir, he is Mr. Wang. The head of forensic team." She pointed her finger towards the old man aside of her. 

He was white with his bald head covered in flat cap in its classic style. He smiled and forwarded his hand ahead," Hello sir,"

Qui Falon shaked his hand and spoke," You must be the senior forensic reporter. It's really good to see you here along with your team."

Mr. Wang nodded with smiled and spoke," this case is really sensitive, and we must need to overcome these stressful situations." He paused and spoke," The great detective Kim has been killed, and this is not the minor case. If the word gets out, then the entire city will be filled with tears. They all were living here because of him that detective Kim will surely protect them from this serial killer." 

 Mr. Wang moved from there inside the room along with his team and started the inspection. 

Qui Falon observed the room carefully and asked with Salera," What do you think about this murder?" He looked from the window through the pinned hole made by some sharp object.

Salera replied," it must be a suicide." Qui Falon immediately reacted to her voice," what?? It's clearly a murder." His eyes reached to the rings in the finger of Kim. 

Salera took out her handkerchief and leaned towards the body of Kim Yie. She slowly took out the ring and observed carefully. The ring looked exactly like the ring found on the spot. 

Qui Falon spoke," The detective must be the seventh serial killer." He hesitated to speak but spoke out of impulse. Salera watched carefully and took out another ring that she had collected from the spot. 

Both rings were quite identical. She paused and looked around. Mr. Wang and his forensic team had finished collecting the referential data from there. He stood from there and approached them and spoke," hello sir, we have sent the evidence to the forensic department, and it take half an hour to get the report. I hope you can give me break from here so that i could work on the forensic report in my lab."

Qui Falon spoke," sure, it's nice to work with you." He nodded his head with sign of respect. 

Mr. Wang left from there.

Qui Falon looked the unidentical things in the mess and looked towards Salera Liu. She looked the widgets and then spoke in low voice approaching the dead body of dog. 

She spoke," there is clear cut in its face and stabbed by sharp object in its belly." He looked the fan wings stained with the blood. Then her eyes caught the fan rod near it. 

She paused,'' how come this fan is totally worn out?" This is the first clue that detector Kim must have opened these fan wings in advance and to frame.

Qui Falon spoke staring at the ring," I think there must be some clue with serial murder body found near the Warrene River."

"Thats our second clue: The ring."

"As usual the detective must have cleared the proof, but he had trained his dog Tommy same as himself. It was also the detective dog.

As a serial killer, he must have killed his prey and as usual he must have taken the body to throw outside. However, he must have made some mistake and left the ring there and returned back.

When he returned then his dog may have smelt the blood and recognized him as a murderer.

Then Kim must have taken the tough decision to kill the dog that was his only family in the room.

This is our final proof. At the time, when the dog attacked Kim, then he easily dodged it and threw the dog away from himself. 

The dog landed on the table destroying the lamp nearby it. Kim easily picked up the rod fallen near it and raised to attack Tommy. However, since he was near the window, the rod striked with the glass and was broken. 

When the dog attacked him again then he killed with it. He killed it mercilessly. There was no doubt that with the death of his dog. He couldn't convince himself and he was totally devastated. He damaged his entire room with frustration.

The phone rang....

She stopped for a while and looked back at Qui Falon who was quietly listening her. No doubt, he believed her every word and picked up the call. It was call from the forensic department by Mr. Wang. His voice was clearly heard in the room.

Hello Mr. Qui. We have investigated the crime and prepared the forensic report. There is something that we have no clue about it. We have all the report all the report only matches detective Kim and his dog.

Qui asked," do you have anything else to report." Mr. Wang replied," No" Then he dropped the call.

Salera spoke," detective Kim must have killed himself out of gut feelings."

At the mean time there came Selvam hurrying down the staircase. He was breathing heavily and spoke," Sir!"

Qui Falon immediately approached him," is there any problem, Selvam"

Selvam spoke," When I was checking the cc tv footage then I found nothing then I checked the cc tv footage of entire village but still I found no people around the city. Then I asked to check the cc tv footage of another city at the entrance of this city then I found a car entering the city but there was no exit."

Qui Falon spoke," I had asked you about the cc tv footage of this house only not the entire city."

Moreover, we have solved the cases too that detective Kim killed himself. We have called the press conference and informed them. They moved out from there and attended the conference.

It was already morning, and the light had spread all over. As Selvam was about to move then his eyes touched the sticker near the door. He picked the sticker and moved out from there. 

When he stepped out from the house then he saw a huge trail of people carrying their clothes and things running. The kids were shouting," the serial killer has killed the detective, the city will be no safer." The ran after their parents in fear.

Qui Falon was standing on the gate," no one believes that serial killer has been killed."

Selvam spoke," the detective is still alive." Salera spoke," didn't you see his body above in his room."

Selvam replied, "his body is probably dead but in this era of science it is possible, and he is too." They sniffed and ignored his words. He passed from their circle.

Selvam showed the sticker and said," this is the proof." He rode his bike and left from there. Every one of them kept on staring as he vanished in the dawn.