The Clue

Kim along with Yie hurried down the stairs. As they downed, the entire company looked suspicious. The employees overlooked them. They passed down and immediately rushed down the gate when they reached the gate then they saw the man running away.

Yie told," look over there, he is taking an auto." A man with green shirt clearly visible with his long beard despite of their long distances.

The man immediately took the auto and left from there before they could run out of the gate. Kim spoke in a hurried voice," Yie, bring your car immediately." Kim started to run after the auto as it left. He ran through the parallel lane and passed down the road. He fixed his strength into the wild approach. However, it was passing from all the way to the crowded roads with the traffic.

He ran through the wild veins. There was nothing that he could. He ran after and after it, but the auto was too fast, so he was out of reach. At the meantime, there was nothing that he could do, and the weather vanished with his steps stopping all the way. Before he could stop his breathe then he saw a car approaching him from behind. 

"Kim, come inside."

There came a voice from the car. The voice was of none other than Yie. Kim immediately rode the car as she finished speaking to him. He spoke," follow the auto, we must capture him before he disappears from the sight." He left from there with no sight following the auto. All of the sudden there appeared full of vehicles and auto. It became so hard to follow after the same auto but passed from the highway and passed from the city through the forest and villages after the hours of drive.

Yie drove the car with full speed behind the auto as the auto took the left turn and entered the busy noisy city. Kim spoke," slow the car."

The voice was too immediate that she almost stopped the car. The car was almost hit with the crowdy people. she managed to park the car as the auto passed from the crowd easily, but the crowd didn't let him to pass easily. It was too crowdy that they couldn't see each other's face clearly.

They stepped out from the car to follow the auto but there was no clue of its flow. They somehow managed to walk in the crowd searching for the auto but it was nowhere to be seen.

 The sun was about to set, and the daylight was fading away. He barely managed the way and looked at his back where the people were still arching to and forth on the street. 

"Why this place is so crowdy?" Yie asked with Kim in a soft voice. Kim eyes glow in surprise looking down the huts near them made of straw and bamboo.

He left with shocked searching the man of auto everywhere. Kim spoke," Is there any room to discuss about it." Looking back at the unusual crowd.

''This place is totally a trap. Anyone can say this with their unusual movement." Yie asked with sad tone hitting her car with her left hand.

Yie was too shocked with such a village and the people living in it. However, her eyes caught the only living soul of Kim whose eyes were still searching someone in something somewhere. He immediately pulled him back and spoke," Are you out of your mind. It's getting dark and we must return back home."

She tried to pull him back but there was no response from him. He spoke," this village is not a trap but our first clue to catch the serial killer. Didn't you see fear in their eyes that has been depriving them of darkness and night."

"You are crazy about it."

Yie came near him and spoke," We have come too far from the city and this place is a totally remote, but I have never heard about this place before." She looked back at Kim and spoke," what's so strange about that doll."

" I was wondering that why didn't you ask this before?'' Kim asked in a soft voice. He was puzzled seeing the scenario. He could barely manage to see the people any more on the street. 

"Don't you think that it's quite unusual to be here as if it was all planed." Yie spoke looking at the empty street. He forced out to be out from nowhere. Kim immediately hurried towards the last man passing down the street who was already moving down the edge walled house. 

He approached towards the man and asked," did you see any auto near here." He replied without looking at him in a single word," No". He kept on moving and entered the house near by it. He slammed the door at his face speaking the only voice in dusk," the night is growing." 

The cold voice was so restless in the dusk that he could barely manage the cold. They could barely see any life anymore around them. It filled with the silence everywhere as if it was all planned from before. Even the almighty was breathless there in the silence.

Yie, who was still in deep thought, spoke in a soft," What's so mysterious about this serial killer." She paused and spoke," he must be some copycat killer." She was unaware of surrounding around her. She immediately felt the cold air passing through her as she came in her sense.

" There is no one anymore." 

Kim replied looking back at her," this is not something small that you can get in your big brain." He paused looking at the street that became silent with growing darkness. 

Kim spoke," this isn't true that the third serial killer was killed. It's just that he stopped murdering the people for a long time when we didn't find any murder related to third serial killer back then we just had to spread the news that he was killed." 

''So, you mean that he is still alive." Yie asked in a surprise," whoever gets the doll then he along with his entire family are doomed to death." There was no question that how scary and bloodthirsty he was, but this is a question that why he stopped killing for a long a time.

Yie replied," moreover we have already lost the prime suspect. So, it's better to return back now. we can go to its depth only then." She again hit her hand upon the car front. Then she looked back at Kim who just nodded but didn't react as if he was waiting for someone.

Yie asked," are you going to stay here or will you move on." Yie stared at Kim who was still leaning at the car. 

Kim spoke," don't worry. we haven't lost the clue yet. There is still time for it, and we are at the end of case after so many years." Kim picked his cell phone and called Selvam," hey Selvam, can you find out the members of my family and go there with the full police force for the protection. Make sure that you are well equipped and your team too."

Yie spoke," are you out of your mind? We are stuck at this village, and you send the cops at your home." She paused and spoke," this village looks so suspicious and I don't feel anything right here." Her face glow as the light from his cell phone reached near her.

As they were speaking, a man from behind them ran from the street. They looked at him as he ran down the street. Yie spoke," look, he is the same man who was there at the office gate. He is wearing the same green dress." Yie ran after him as he passed down from there. He moved from there running down the street.

Kim spoke," don't go after him. It's a trap." Kim immediately left from there just after Yie trying to stop her. Kim kept on calling but Yie didn't stop. They passed down from the village where very few houses were seen. There were huge trail f giant woods ahead of them. He entered the forest in the dim light of moon towards the forest being followed by Yie. They got caught in the darkness of the forest. 

Yie kept on following his sound of footsteps, but her legs hit the giant roots of tree and fell to the inner well in the forest. Kim could hardly see the light and any footprints. He yelled," Yie, are you there?" He turned on the camera of his cell phone.

A voice from deep well came," I'm here. Help me out from here." He hardly managed his footsteps, and the growing darkness was nowhere to be found. He also fell to the well when he stepped over the piles of dried leaves."

"Kim, help me out." Yie yelled as she heard something falling just behind her.