New Friends?

Itsuki with a bright smile swung open the door of a room and stepped inside, gesturing for Haruma and Kurogami to enter.

As Haruma and Kurogami stepped inside, their eyes swept across the room. A modest room with a single window, a double cupboard and two beds placed against opposite walls. It was a perfect room for two people.

Stepping inside, Itsuki announced, "Room number thirty six belongs to you guys."

Kurogami glanced around the room before turning to Itsuki with a frown, "Everything looks fine, but why do I have to share a room with him?"

Itsuki offered a hesitant smile and replied, "Well, because, It's management decision. I thought you both were friends."

Before Kurogami could respond, Haruma quickly turned to Itsuki and asked, "When does training start?"

Itsuki's smile softened as he replied, "There's an intercom over there, you will get notified whenever there's a meeting or a training session. For now, get some rest, the lunch will be at sharp 1pm. Don't be late!"

With that, Itsuki stepped out of the room and pulled the door shut behind him.

Haruma then turned to Kurogami, only to find him already watching him.

"I'll take a shower first," Kurogami said, and began to pull his clothes out from his suitcase.

Haruma with a sigh walked over to his bed and dropped onto it, appearing utterly exhausted...

A sharp knock at the door echoed, and Haruma pulled the door open, his hair damp hinting his recent shower. Across the room, Kurogami was sitting on his bed immersed in his laptop, headphones on.

Haruma saw Itsuki standing at the doorway, a smile playing on his face, "It's time for lunch." he said cheerfully.

Haruma nodded and turned to Kurogami who lowered his headphones and shit his laptop...

Haruma, Itsuki and Kurogami now entered the dining area, where a large dining table was placed at the center, surrounded by the Tokyo Wolves Juniors Players.

Raya smiled at the trio, "Welcome, we've been waiting for you."

As the Trio made their way to their seats, Haruma said, "I'm sorry we're late."

Raya, still smiling, shook his head, "No, you're not, we're just early."

Haruma then took his seats and everyone began serving themselves from a variety of food laid out before them.

Seated comfortably, Haruma reached for a dish of rice, but before he could grab it, someone picked it up and extended it towards him.

Haruma, appearing surprised, looked up at the person to find a young boy with spiky blonde hair and a bright smile playing on his face, offering Haruma the dish.

Haruma, still surprised, took the dish with a small smile, "Thank you…" he said.

Maintaining his smile the boy spoke, "Nice to meet ya, my name is Jiho and I play as a Center Attacking Mid, and I wanted to say that I'm very impressed by your game, it was badass, specially that first goal of yours, it was ass kicking!"

Haruma smiled, appreciating the enthusiasm "Thanks alot." he said.

Still brimming with excitement, Jiho added, "I'm really looking forward to play with ya,"

With a smile, Haruma gave him a nod of agreement.

Raya with a warm smile spoke up, "Alright, I think we all should introduce ourselves to Haruma and Kurogami, let's begin with me!"

Raya then turned to Haruma and Kurogami, "My name is Raya Katsuro, I play as a Striker, and my jersey number is thirty eight."

Next, another boy with black short hair spoke up, "My name is Jingo, Jersey number six, and I play as Striker as well." He said warmly.

"My name is Zora!" Another boy with a good height chimed in, "Jersey number ninety two, I play as Center Back."

"We've already met, but again, my name is Makoto." Same boy from before added, "Jersey number thirteen, play as Center Back!"

"I'm Ichimaru," Another boy chimed in with a warm smile, "Jersey number eighty eight, and I play as Center Defensive Mid."

Another boy, appearing to be the youngest of them all, eagerly raised his hand, "Oh it's my turn! I'm Izaya the little devil, jersey number one and I play as a Center Mid."

"And I'm Kabuto." another boy with lazy eyes and voice chimed in, "Jersey… Uhhhh, yeah… twenty it was, and I play as Center Back"

"Hey, Rei here." Another boy spoke up with a respectful tone, "I'm jersey number fifty, play as Center Back."

"I'm Nagisa" Another boy with short purple hair introduced himself, "Jersey number nineteen, plays as Center Attacking Mid."

"My name is Shinra." Another boy with a smile chimed in, "Jersey seventy two, play as goalkeeper."

"It's me again, name is Saburu." Same player from before spoke up, "Jersey is nine, play as goalkeeper."

"And I'm Taro!" Another boy spoke up, "Jersey is five, plays as Center Defensive Mid."

"Name is Yagami," Another boy chimed in, "Jersey is fifty seven, play as Center Mid."

"I'm Tezuka" The next one spoke up, "My jersey is twenty nine, and I play as a Striker!"

"My name is Haru." Another boy excitedly spoke up, "Jersey is ninety and I serve as Center Back."

"And I'm Naoya," Another chimed in, "Jersey is forty, play as Center Back"

Itsuki excitedly jumped to his feets, "And last but not the least, I'm your dearest Itsuki," he said, "Jersey is thirty and plays as a Center Mid."

The room was filled with smiles with everyone's eyes locked on Haruma and Kurogami.

Haruma was returning the smile, gazing at them with a warm, pure smile. Meanwhile Kurogami was staring back at them with a serious, uninterested gaze.

"It's nice meeting you all." Haruma spoke with a warm tone, "My name is Haruma, jersey number is…" He paused for a moment before a smile appeared on his face.

"Twenty-Two, My jersey number is Twenty-Two, and I am a Striker."

Everyone was watching Haruma with smiles on their faces. Raya, smiling too, shifted his gaze to Kurogami who had already started eating his food.

"And what about you?" Raya asked.

Without looking at Raya, and without pausing in his meal, Kurogami replied flatly, "Kurogami… Jersey number three, a Goalkeeper." His tone made it clear that he had no interest in all this.

Everyone got slightly confused at Kurogami's indifferent attitude.

Jiho, the blonde guy, furrowed in frustration, "Ehh, what's with that attitude you have?" He asked with annoyance clear on his face.

Kurogami ate a piece of steak, and took his time to chew it properly, before finally speaking, "Attitude of being better than all of you!"

His words sent a ripple of shock through everyone, While Jiho got triggered, tightening his jaw in anger.

Haruma with wide eyes was gazing at Kurogami with disbelief. Meanwhile Kurogami was completely unfazed, eating his meal like nothing happened.