
On the other hand, her Mother and Sam were getting more and more worried that where did Eva go? Eva's mother Yanda started crying and said Sam to call Eva.When Sam called Eva, her number was being disconnected. Sam calls his dad who lives in England. His dad picked up the call and said "How are you?" Sam was very worried, his father asked "what happened?"Sam tells his dad that Eva has been missing since morning and her phone is off, his dad says to tell the police and call Eva too. Sam replied "We have informed the police".

Then at 2 o'clock there is a knock on Eva's door, Eva says, "Who came at this time?" Then Eva opens the door and there is the manager. The manager tells Eva not to go to room 999, so the manager himself locks the door. Eva felt very strange. She was so scared then she said "Nothing like that happens", (she reassured himself).

Eva had no internet connection while she was on her way to breakfast, then she saw room number 999 but she forgot all about it. When Eva was returning from breakfast, her internet came on and she got a notification that she had reached on her destination. Eva was very nervous and went to her room. Eva thought that I will go to this room now.

On the other hand, the police were busy looking for Eva. And Sam again called Eva, but Eva did not pick up the call.

Then at 10 o'clock in the night Eva said that now is the time to go to this room. Eva picked up her bag and headed towards room number 999 as she opened the room someone said "Miss Eva where are you going?"Eva's bag fell due to fear. When he looked back, he was the manager.Eva said nothing and left.

A few moments later Eva gets a call from the hotel. Eva picked up the call and said hello and someone said "What were you doing in room number 999?" Eva hung up without saying anything.After a while she called her mother. His mother did not pick up the call because the signal was not coming. Then she called her brother Sam. He also don't pick up the call. Then she said I'll call later. Then Eva slept.

The next day, when Eva was going to have lunch, she walked back across the front of the room. Eva thought I should go to this room and see. Eva started to walk into the room but stopped. Because it was very crowded.At 1 o'clock there were not less people. Then she decided to go there at night. Sometimes she said to go and sometimes she said not to go. She could not think what to do. The location that the hospital sent was not that of this room?Because when I passed in front of the room, the notification of reached came. Eva thought the location was messed up. Then Eva calls the hospital and asks to send the location. The hospital sends back the location. Eva starts following the location. Eva follows the location and reaches the room 999. Eva feels very strange and decides to go into this room.

Then at 3 o'clock Eva picked up her bag, put her phone and money in it and went to the room. Eva started to open the door of this room but an unknown girl opened it. That girl was also going to this room. The girl tells Eva that I went to a hospital and they called me here. The manager was coming from behind. Eva said we will go to the room and discuss this topic, because the manager is coming. Eva takes the girl to her room. That girl asks Eva how did you come here? Eva says same thing happened to me. The girl asks Eva her name and Eva says "My name is Eva and I live in NYC." Eva asks the girl what is your name and where do you live. My name is Emma and I also live in NYC. Then Emma says we have to go to this room. Eva says it will be fine to go with some planning. Then they spend the whole night planning how to go. Emma says I saw that the room is locked. Eva asks where the key is. Emma says the key is in the manager's pocket, once I tried to steal but failed. Eva says when the manager sleeps, I will take it out of his pocket. Emma says it is difficult.

Then next night, they both go to the manager's room. Eva takes the key out of the manager's pocket, and they both succeed. The next day there is an announcement at the hotel that the key to room number 999 has been lost,and there will be checking in all the rooms.