Chapter 2

Sara holds an open book in her hand and pretends to read it. She surreptitiously glances at her roommate, who is smoking a cigarette, sitting on the windowsill by the open window.

Since Sara has appeared in the room, she ignores her, acting as if she is airborne. The girl sees that the brunette is not going to befriend her, so she doesn't even try to start a conversation. She'd rather be ignored by her than have to be squashed. For so many years, she has managed to get used to living alone. She has never had a friend, only female friends who took advantage of her because of her dad's money. They pretended to like her, while the truth was that they loved to go shopping with her. Previously, the girl was so stupid and naive that she let herself be managed, and because of this, she had problems with her father.

Now she is trying to be assertive to start dealing with the surrounding environment. She wants to be braver and able to face any issues. She understands this is not easy, but for her own sake she is trying to make it a reality.

The roommate puts out her cigarette and throws it out the window. She surreptitiously glances at her cell phone, which makes a short beep. She takes it in her hand and smiles as she reads a message from a friend.

Sara lowers her gaze as the girl catches her surreptitiously watching.

- What's your name? - she asks unexpectedly, so the teenager lifts her head and uncertainly points a finger at herself. - Well you, I ask. No one else is here. Not counting ghosts," she adds contemptuously.

The girl swallows her saliva harder.

- Ghosts? - She looks around the room anxiously.

- After all, I was joking, but seriously, where did you come from here? Your personality is very different from the people locked up in the center. It's impossible for you to have done anything wrong. You look like a good girl," he claims, measuring her with his eyes.

- My name is Sara and I ended up here innocently accused. It's all my diabolical sister's fault. She set me up.

The brunette nods her head. She puffs out her lips and leans with her back against the wall.

- It was with such wackos that I did order, that's why I'm here. Cretinous dolls who care only about the tip of their nose. Nothing but to beat them," she announces, snorting under her breath. Sarah's eyes widen as she realizes that she is sharing a room with a real terrorist. She is menacing and looks like a person who doesn't give a damn. - Why are you looking at me with frightened eyes? You are different from them, so you can rest easy. There are dozens of them here, so I have someone to oppress," she adds quite seriously, so Sara remains silent.

She is indeed dangerous, although she is tall and has the dimensions of a model.

- What's your name? - She hesitantly asks her roommate, fearing that she will yell at her. He doesn't know what's on her mind, especially since this girl doesn't beat around the bush.

He looks at her carefully for a moment, as if wondering is she wants to make her acquaintance, then answers:

- Laura.

Sara nods her head.

The phone again makes a short beep. The brunette reads the message and smiles under her breath.

- New girl, I think it's time to fix you up a bit. If you are so timid, people will destroy you here. That's why I'm taking you to a party in my friend's room. You'll meet some people, gain some confidence.... - she announces, to which the brown-haired girl immediately denies it. She is not the kind of person who goes to parties. It's not for her. She prefers to sit locked in a room, reading her favorite book. - Don't make me take you there by force. Give me a break. A forbidden party is something everyone here loves. You need to get to know some people, you won't leave here so soon," she declares, not taking his eyes off her. - You don't want me to become your enemy, do you? - Sarah's eyes widen in horror. Without a word, she gets off the bed, and a triumphant smile appears on Laura's face.

Being in the corridor, she puts a finger to her lips, telling her to stay quiet. It's late evening, and the place is glowing empty. They head down the stairs and are hiding behind a wall when they hear distinct footsteps, which, it turns out, belong to the teacher. The man walks away, so Laura looks out from behind the wall to make sure it's clear. She pulls Sarah by the hand and, with a quick step, leads her up the stairs to the men's section, where the boys' bedrooms are located.

The brown-haired girl is so frightened that instead of looking under her feet, she looks around her for fear that someone will notice them. Inadvertently, she falls down the stairs. Laura helps the girl up and, muttering vague curses under her breath, leads her to her friend's room. As soon as they cross the threshold, she howls loudly, making her presence known. A tall blond man with blue eyes walks up to her and nails a turtle with her, then plunges a curious gaze into Sarah.

- The newcomer, who made a lingerie display on the stairs at the very entrance," he says, carefully measuring her with his eyes. - I am Simon. - He introduces himself, extending his hand to her. She tentatively squeezes it, wandering around the interior with a shy glance.

- Sara.

She glances at Laura, who is watching another girl with hostility in her eyes. It is the teenage girl who had earlier mocked her. A slender brunette whose curly hair reaches her waist.

- Can you explain to me why Julia is here?

- She barged in because she heard that Matthew was coming too," he replies, and a grimace of displeasure appears on his face. The brunette looks at him, and her eyes sparkle at the sound of the name of the boy who earlier helped Sarah with her suitcase. - I don't know what you all see in him," he adds indignantly.

Laura ignores his words and improves her blouse, accentuating her breasts more. She tosses back her thick brown hair and asks her roommate how she looks.

- Very nice ... and sexy," she replies, glancing at Simon out of the corner of her eye.

He, at the sight of his friend, swallows his saliva harder and turns his face in the opposite direction. He nervously scratches the back of his neck, then walks away. Laura also disappears somewhere in the small crowd, which is growing larger by the minute. This is a nuisance because the room is not spacious.

Sara stands in a corner and discreetly observes the students, who are having a great time. The girls jump on the beds, and Simon pulls them down with force. He jerks one too hard, causing her to fall to the floor, and this does not please her boyfriend. He jumps to Simon, but Laura also appears between them and punches the stranger in the face. The brunet is about to give her back, but he is stopped by Matthew, who grabs the boy's arm.

- You can be the worst asshole, but women don't get hit," he claims in a sharp tone, which incredibly pleases the brunette. She smiles broadly and admits he's right, instructing the boy who was going to hit her that by beating a woman he is showing weakness.

The disgruntled brunet grabs his girl and leads her out of the room, cursing the party participants. Laura thanks Matthew for his help, discreetly flirting with him, to which he only nods and leaves. The girl doesn't like it, because she tightens her lips into a narrow line and slaps her friend's shoulder.

- I told you he would never look at you. He is the most popular boy in the center, so he can have anyone," he says indignantly, but these words do not please Laura. She snorts furiously and throws a hateful glance at Matthew's ex-girlfriend.

From the corner of her eye, Sara glances to the side when she feels someone standing by her. She blushes when she spots Oliver, who is sipping orange juice in silence. One of the girls tries to talk to him, but he boorishly dismisses her without answering her questions.

Finally, he throws an upset look at Sara, as if she is to blame. The brown-haired girl decides to walk away from the boy, not wanting to irritate anyone, but Oliver doesn't let her. He grabs her hand, forcing her to stay by his side.

- Stand here and don't move," he says in an unpleasant tone, so she obediently complies. With her back leaning against the wall, she looks around with frightened eyes, hoping to see her roommate to help her. - If you're here, those harassing ninnies will stop accosting me," he adds after a moment, so Sara nods. She is the type of person who doesn't like to have enemies. Victoria is an exception. - And start breathing, because you're turning purple," he claims, and only then does it occur to her that she has been holding her breath in his presence. She doesn't know what's happening to her: why is she acting so idiotic? - If you are terrified, then people will think I am threatening you. Seriously, what is wrong with you?

She hesitantly glances at him, but this is a mistake, because Oliver has been watching her the whole time. Red in the face, she turns her face in the opposite direction, pretending to be incredibly curious about something.

Uninvited guests appear in the room. The teachers enter the room. Everyone starts running away, rushing. They push through each other to avoid being caught. Only Sara, with panic in her eyes, looks around the room, not knowing how to proceed. Oliver sees that she is scared, so he backs up and grabs the girl's hand.

He helps her get out of the room.

The woman shouts that she saw everyone and the students will suffer severe punishment for this, but the youngsters don't seem to care, as they laugh as they run away, considering it great fun.

Oliver separates from Sarah in front of the stairs that lead to the girls' rooms.

- Don't thank me, because I don't like it," he says, then runs down the corridor and leaves her alone.

The girl is afraid because she hears voices. Fearing that they are teachers, she realizes that she won't have time to run upstairs, so her attention is drawn to the door, located by the stairs. She opens it and, without looking at what is inside, goes inside. She hurriedly slams them. It's dark, so she can't see anything. The walls are so cold that he feels chills on his body. She tries to find some light, but is afraid to touch the walls for fear of spiders. Because of this, she gets the impression that they are walking all over her, even though it is her imagination playing tricks on her.

Hearing no voices from outside, she decides to leave and return to her room. Her heart rises to her throat as she can't open the door. She jerks the handle and then realizes that it only opens from the outside. With panic in her voice, she starts calling for help. She doesn't care if it's a teacher. In this situation, she would rather get a punishment than spend the whole night here.

The panic turns into crying when no one hears her. She sits in the dark, having a strange feeling that she is not alone. And even though she can't see anything, she feels like something is watching her.

- Hello, I need help! - she shouts once again, hoping that someone will just happen to be passing by. - I'm begging!

She pounds on the door with her fists, thinking that it will magically open, allowing her to leave this awful place. And she might even think so if she hadn't bumped into someone on the way out.

She's sure it's to her credit, yet the savior turns out to be a handsome blond man measuring one meter ninety. He grabs her by the shoulders, saving her from a painful fall, and she lifts her head to look at his face. For the first time, she doesn't look away and stares straight into his eyes. In her mind, she admires his beauty, because he is so beautiful that he looks like a character from a fairy tale. Perfect features, big brown eyes with which he watches her and full, sculpted lips.

- Are you all right? - He asks in a deep voice. Sara opens her mouth and nods. The boy lets her go, but she does not take her eyes off him. - Are you sure you're okay? - he repeats the question, so she nods.

- New student, may I know what you are doing at this hour in the corridor instead of being in your room? - She hears the headmaster's voice and comes down to earth instantly. She moves away from the boy, realizing her stupidity. Only now she feels embarrassment.

- I... well, that's just it... - Confused, she scratches her head, not knowing how to get out of this situation. She doesn't want trouble on the first day.

- It seems that someone locked her in this room, and she could not leave. I helped her," the blond boy says, so the girl looks at him with gratitude.

- You did well, boy. Excellent. The jokes of the kids here are irresponsible," says the old man, putting his hand on the shoulder of the tall boy. - You come from a good home, so you know perfectly well how to behave. Your father is the prime minister, so he raised you accordingly.

- What nonsense. He is not a good man at all. You can't call that a person who locks up their son in some debilitating facility that looks like a prison. I have a tough character and can harm his career, so he had to do it. Well, of course, after all, no one can find out that he has a bastard son at home! It would be a tragedy for his image. - He snorts with disdain, then adds. - If he calls, then tell him to go fuck himself! - The blond boy walks away, and the man watches him until he disappears.

- Amazing," he whispers, but he quickly grunts back, realizing that he is being watched by a schoolgirl. - Miss right now go back to your room!

Sara obeys the principal's order and without a word runs upstairs. She enters the room, which is empty. Laura still hasn't returned. Sara hopes that her roommate ran away and was not caught by the teacher.