Chapter 64: The Partner Problem

The journey back to the Shadowed Cliff Castle was supposed to be uneventful, a simple trip after their outing to the Familiar Forest. But with Tiamat—now in her human form—marching confidently alongside Garp, her hand firmly linked with his, uneventful was no longer an option.

The rest of the group couldn't stop staring.

"Are we just not going to talk about this?" Shiki asked, floating lazily beside the group. His mischievous grin promised trouble. "I mean, we all went to the Familiar Forest to find familiars, and Garp… well, Garp found himself a wife!"

"I DID NOT!" Garp bellowed, his booming voice startling the birds in the trees above. He tried pulling his hand away from Tiamat's grip, but the dragoness didn't even flinch. Her grip was as unyielding as steel.

"You did," Tiamat said matter-of-factly, a serene smile gracing her lips. "You challenged me, defeated me, and now we are partners. It is simply how things are."

"Partners my foot!" Garp grumbled, rubbing the back of his head in frustration. "I just wanted a fight, not… this!"

Tiamat's smile didn't waver. If anything, her obsession seemed to deepen with each step.

Arrival at the Castle

By the time the group reached the Shadowed Cliff Castle, the teasing had already begun.

"Hey, Garp," Shiki called out as they entered the gates, his grin practically splitting his face. "Do we need to buy you a leash now? Or are you just going to wear a collar with her name on it?"

Garp glared at him, his jaw tightening. "Say one more word, and I'll plant you into the wall."

"Oh no, you can't do that anymore," Shiki said, pretending to gasp. "What if your wife gets mad at you?"

This earned a round of laughter from the group. Even Mihawk, usually stoic, let out a rare chuckle.

"From now on, Garp," Whitebeard rumbled, his deep voice filled with amusement, "we'll have to ask Tiamat's permission before dragging you off on any adventures. Can't upset the missus, right?"

Roger joined in, his grin as wide as Shiki's. "I always thought Garp would marry the sea. Turns out he found something scarier—a dragon!"

The Partner Revelation

Inside the castle's main hall, the group finally settled down. Raizer, sitting casually in his chair at the head of the table, decided it was time to get some answers.

"Alright," he said, looking directly at Tiamat. "You've been calling Garp your 'partner' since the fight. Care to explain what you mean by that?"

Tiamat tilted her head slightly, as if the question was unnecessary. "It's simple," she said. "In dragon culture, when a male challenges a female and emerges victorious, they become partners. It is akin to how devils marry—two beings joining together as equals."

The room went silent for a moment. Then, chaos erupted.

"WAIT, WHAT?!" Garp roared, practically leaping out of his seat.

"Amazing," Shiki said, pretending to wipe a tear from his eye. "Garp went out looking for a fight and came back with a dragon bride. Talk about efficiency."

Roger burst out laughing, slapping the table with enough force to shake the room. "This is the best thing I've ever heard! Garp, the unbreakable, the indomitable, now tied down by dragon law. You can't make this stuff up!"

Even Sengoku, who usually tried to maintain some semblance of decorum, couldn't help but smirk. "Well, Garp, congratulations. I never thought I'd see the day."

Garp's Denial

Garp slammed his fist onto the table, his face red with frustration. "I'M NOT MARRYING HER!"

Tiamat, still perfectly calm, glanced at him. "It's not up to you. The bond has already been formed. Whether or not you acknowledge it, we are partners."

"I didn't agree to this!" Garp shouted, throwing his hands in the air.

"That's irrelevant," Tiamat said simply. She rested her chin on her free hand, her other hand still tightly holding Garp's. "You challenged me. You won. That's all that matters."

Shiki leaned over to Mihawk, who was quietly sipping his drink. "Do you think we should get them a wedding gift? Or is it too soon?"

Mihawk raised an eyebrow. "I'd say it's too late. They're already married by her standards."

Raizer Joins the Fun

Raizer, who had been watching the spectacle with growing amusement, finally spoke up. "So let me get this straight. We went to the Familiar Forest to find familiars, and instead of a pet, Garp brought home a dragon wife?"

"That about sums it up," Kuzan said lazily, leaning back in his chair.

Raizer chuckled, shaking his head. "You know, Garp, I have to hand it to you. Only you could turn a trip to the forest into a diplomatic incident."

"Incident?!" Garp shouted, glaring at him. "This isn't funny, kid!"

"Oh, it's hilarious," Raizer said, smirking. "You've got to admit—this is the most interesting thing that's happened in weeks."

Tiamat's Obsession

Throughout the chaos, Tiamat remained unbothered, her serene smile never faltering. She tightened her grip on Garp's hand, much to his annoyance, and rested her head on his shoulder.

"You may protest all you like," she said softly, "but you are mine now, Garp. I will follow you wherever you go."

Garp groaned, his frustration evident. "This can't be happening. I just wanted a fight, not… this!"

"You wanted strength, and you found it," Tiamat said, her voice taking on a playful tone. "You should be honored. Not many earn the loyalty of a Chaos Karma Dragon."

Whitebeard, grinning like a madman, raised his cup in the air. "To Garp and Tiamat! May their union bring endless chaos and laughter!"

The room erupted in laughter and cheers, much to Garp's dismay.

Shiki's Final Jab

As the laughter died down, Shiki floated over to Garp, his mischievous grin firmly in place.

"You know, Garp," he said, "this is what happens when you go looking for trouble. You're like one of those dogs that chases cars—except this time, the car caught you."

Garp glared at him, his patience hanging by a thread. "Say one more word, Shiki. I dare you."

Shiki leaned in closer, his grin widening. "Alright. From now on, we're calling you 'Dragon's Leash.' How's that sound?"

Garp lunged at him, his massive fist swinging. Shiki dodged effortlessly, laughing as he floated out of reach.

A Cliffhanger of Chaos

As the chaos continued, Raizer leaned back in his chair, watching the scene unfold with a satisfied smirk.

"Looks like things just got a lot more interesting," he murmured to himself.

Across the room, Tiamat smiled, her hand still firmly linked with Garp's. For better or worse, she had made her choice—and she wasn't going anywhere.

This chapter mixes humor, character interaction, and chaotic fun, bringing Tiamat fully into the group while setting the stage for more antics in the future. Let me know if you'd like any adjustments!