You Really Scare Me

Holy shit! Baer tried to steady his breathing. He had one of them!

She stood up, her long auburn hair catching the firelight. She turned and leaned down to get something; it turned out to be strawberries.

She treated Baer to a view of her sweet little arse under her short skirt that set his heart, and something else, racing.

She stood back up, looking out at the ocean, munching happily on her berries. Her profile was ridiculous. She had long shapely legs with a slit in her short skirt that left exactly none of her thighs to the imagination. Her taut midriff was exposed by a cropped top which hugged her very ample, some might say excessive, cleavage.

Baer mouthed a swear word to himself, suddenly very happy they were cut off from the Mainland for the night.

His front brain stopped operating and went into idle. Without much, make that any, thought or planning, he rose from where he lay hidden.

Loveday shrieked when she saw the golden blonde, bearded, man-mountain emerge from the shadows in his blood drenched shirt. She turned and ran towards the beach.

She hadn't gone more than few steps, before something knocked her feet out from under her. It turned out to be a dead seal, flung end-over-end like a ninja star.

"What the…" she cried, climbing up onto her hands and knees.

Before she could rise to her feet, Baer had grabbed her around the midriff, lifting her from the ground and pulling her dagger from her thigh holster, tossing it out of reach.

She struggled, and he pulled her legs backwards, flattening her to the ground. He used his bulk to pin her there for a minute.

"It's alright," he assured her. "I'm not going to hurt you."

"You're already hurting me! You're lying on me and pressing me into the rocks!"

"Sorry! Sorry! Here we go, how's this?"

He rolled her onto her back, then he picked her up in a princess carry, pinning her wrists together with one hand and carrying her with his other arm.

She registered that he was incredibly strong while she bucked her hips wildly in his single arm without making any headway.

"Shh, shh, shh," he tried to gentle her, like she was a horse. "There's no need for that. I told you; I'm not going to hurt you."

"I'm worried what else you're going to do to me," she panted as she fought him.

"Well, we'll have to see about that. Maybe if you ask me nicely," he smiled at her, crinkling his eyes.

"What the hell are you talking about? The only thing I'll be asking you to do is to let me go!"

"That's the one thing I can't do," he said without apology.

She struggled some more as he laid her down on a patch of hard, slightly damp sand. He kept her hands pinned above her head and then straddled her, effectively stopping her efforts.

"There," he said, "is that more comfortable than the rocks?"

"Marginally, but I hope you don't plan to sit on me like this all night?"

"I'd be happy for you to sit on me if you prefer, Cherry."

"In your dreams, and don't call me that!"


"Or that!"

"Cherry it is then," he smirked.

He wondered idly what colour she would be down below. Would it be the same auburn as her beautiful hair? He reached out and stroked a piece of it.

"Don't touch my hair!" she said, affronted; "and let my wrists go, you're hurting them".

"You'll need to earn my trust for me to set your hands free," he said mildly.

"And how can I do that? I only just met you."

"You just have to promise me you're not going to try to do anything stupid. If you can convince me, then I'll let your wrists go."

He wasn't too worried. It was a headland cut off from the Mainland by the high tide, and it was dark. Even if she wanted to run away from him, where could she go?

She realised she was going to have to seduce the man in order to escape from him. She took a deep breath and stopped fighting him.

"I promise you I won't do anything stupid with my hands," she tilted her head coyly. "Unless you ask me nicely," she cooed.

"Oh! Touche! Perfect! I'm asking you nicely. Please do something stupid with your hands," he growled.

She giggled.

"I'm serious," he stared at her with clear intent.

She started working on her plan to get him where she needed him, so she could escape.

"How about this Cherry, let's start where it should begin, with a kiss. We can see where the mood takes you from there."

She wondered what it would take to get this huge man relaxed enough to sleep. Definitely more than a kiss.

She decided to level-set with him.

"Listen Big Fella."


"Listen Baer. I'm going to be honest with you. You really scare me. You're huge. You're very strong. And I'm frightened you're going to rape me while we're out here alone stuck on this little island."

The big man instantly looked chastened. "Look, I told you I won't do that, and I mean it. I don't want you to be frightened of me. I promise I won't hurt you."

She believed that part, and did feel a tiny bit better.

He didn't look like a man who wanted to hurt her. He looked like a man who desperately wanted to have his way with her…