Delphi breathed a happy sigh and rolled over in the grass to face the commander.
He was lying on his side staring at her with a look she couldn't name, but it told her she wasn't getting out of jail free…
"Alright," she sighed in resignation. "What do I have to do in exchange for this promise you extracted from me while I was putty in your hands?"
"You're not going to give me trouble are you, Miss Chastain? You don't have a good track record for doing what you're told."
"A promise is a promise, Commander, but I have two extra conditions."
"Mm," he grunted sceptically.
Here we go… he knew she wouldn't do as she was told!
"First, we go our separate ways afterwards. Let's call that fight between us a draw."
"It was only a draw because I can't damage you, but I agree," he said promptly.
"Second, I'm not going to touch you, and you can't touch me."