Swaffeled [R18]


"Yeah! Boohaa!" cheered the guards.

The girls looked anxious. Delphi tried to buoy them, giving them little nods of encouragement. They should know why this furthered their cause, right?

"What the hell is boohaa?" Feifei whispered to Delphi.

"The rules are the same as the girls' matches," said the commander. "Try to remove items of your opponent's clothes to be the winner. The loser has to complete a punishment set by the winner. The punishment can't be too outlandish, but agreeing on it is between the winner and the loser. The Captain and I will adjudicate any disputes. You can hold your match publicly or privately, depending on your confidence that you can win… and how much of an exhibitionist you are."

Everyone laughed at that.

"Here are the tournament pairs."

 He spun the whiteboard.