Beauties at Breakfast

"I think it's much more beautiful than I've ever seen before because we're free, and we're safe. This is my first dawn living like that…"

"I hope it will be the first of many," we see together, he finished his sentence in his head.

She turned and looked back at him, her face radiant with the most beautiful smile crinkling the corners of her eyes, her hair blowing long and free in the gentle breeze, still in her pink dinner dress. He felt his heart clench and he gave her a soft smile in return.

There was a noise of metal scraping on concrete from across the very still morning, and in concert, they quietly moved to the parapet wall and peered over.

Bo was pulling out a chair at a table very similar to their own, tucking a blindfolded Feifei in against a table laden with food and drink, decorated with a pink cloth and a bunch of white wild roses.

He lifted the blindfold, and she exclaimed with delight.

"Bo! This is so pretty!"