Swearing Allegiance

Feifei mounted her horse and trotted back to the main road.

She'd been riding for less than half-an-hour when she saw riders on the horizon. She waved her arm, and she watched with relief as Delphi waved back.

Feifei kicked her horse into a canter and rode to meet her rescuers. Of course Delphi and the girls would come to rescue her! She could see the commander there too… and Han.

She felt a different sort of love and belonging as the girls surrounded her, and she got lots of hugs from everyone.

Although she was sad to leave Bo behind, she felt only the complete 'rightness' of her decision. These were her people, her family. This was her cause. Deviation from this path could only sully her in a way she could never live with.

Bo lay with his eyes open, staring at the cracked paint on the wall of the farmhouse bedroom. It was an empty, desolate stare.