Dog Baiting

Delphi, Alton, Feifei and Niko were hidden in the branches of an elm tree in the old botanic gardens.

They were sitting very quietly, with an unimpeded view of the fresh wallaby carcass they had left in a clearing, with drops of Delphi's blood sprinkled across it.

Alton had tried to convince Delphi of the sense of just him and Niko running this operation, to reduce the chances of them being smelled out by the dogs, but Delphi wouldn't have a bar of being left behind.

They had carefully positioned themselves upwind, but given the size of these dogs, who knew how sensitive their noses were.

It was an uncomfortable waiting game as they sat on the scratchy branches of the giant tree and tried not to move around too much.

A steady procession of large sugar ants were making their way along the branch and needed to be carefully watched and rapidly flicked before they crawled into your clothing.