Just as Delphi and Feifei were exiting the dining room, Lili walked back in, holding hands with Cormac, who looked very happy with himself.
Delphi raised her eyebrows in question at the girl, and Lili's eyes slid away from hers shiftily.
"Tch," Delphi scoffed, rolling her eyes at the young woman, as she and Feifei headed for the silo's exit ladder.
"She's made her bed, she'll have to roll about uncomfortably in it," Delphi said to Feifei once they were out of earshot. "She better not come complaining to me about him again. Crazy girl."
They had decided to use the botanic gardens for their outdoor training. It was fully fenced, making it easier to patrol. They had repaired the gates and plugged a few holes in the fence-line, but everything was infinitely easier with the dogs and the dragons holding the perimeter for them, freeing all of them up from constant guard duties.