Be my Second Wife? [R18]


They had decided to continue with the matches, a few hours later than planned, after Feifei's bombshell news.

Both Delphi and Alton were glassy-eyed, struggling to regain their focus.

"Time to kick off," Delphi whispered to Alton, waving her hand in front of his face. "What's wrong with you?" she hissed at him. "She's my best friend and Lieutenant. You don't have a good reason to be so out of it."

"I'm a bit upset for Bo," he mumbled.

"Upset for Bo!" she whispered. "Feifei's the one you should be upset for. Bo got his rocks off and left her holding the baby, literally."

"It's not like that Delphi," said Alton with emotion. "You don't have the full story."

"You can tell me the full story later, but right now, the matches need to start."

Alton rose and called to the combatants. "Up first, Cormac and Lili versus Arrie and Wolf. Hand-to-hand combat. Rubber knives as weapons."