Does Anyone Smell Vinegar?

Arrie and Lili pushed themselves backwards, sliding on the floor on their tummies until they were out of sight.

"Do you think he saw us?" Arrie's eyes were huge.

"I hope not," said Lili. "Niko might bludgeon us to death with his rod to keep us from talking."

They both cracked up laughing again, slightly hysterical now. They jumped to their feet to make a rapid escape from the scene of the crime.

As they turned to leave, they found that Delphi stood behind them in the doorway to the vestibule, her arms crossed, tapping one foot, like an angry teacher.

"Really girls?" she asked them. "Are we that juvenile that we need to spy on the men naked? Come on now, how would you feel if they did that to you?"

"I wouldn't care," said Lili truthfully "I was happy to race with them, remember?"

Well, there was not much comeback she could make to that statement… Delphi was stumped.

"Arrie?" she tried to guilt trip the weaker link.