Arrie tiptoed furtively down the hallway that lead to nowhere else except the boys' dormitories.
She kept looking behind her in case someone had spotted her, but it was all clear.
She reached the door to Baer and Niko's room, and she stood outside it for a moment, gathering her courage.
The door burst open, and Baer grabbed her around the waist, dragging her inside and locking the door.
She squealed in shock.
"Too late to back out now shortcake," he laughed, pushing her up against the back of the door and planting his lips on hers.
They kissed roughly and passionately, Baer with all of the pent-up frustration he was feeling, and Arrie meeting him kiss for kiss.
He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, still pressed against the door to his room, still kissing.