The Heart Wants What it Wants

By the time all of the teams of two had arrived back at the boat after completing their jobs on King Island, the sun was setting.

The men appeared to be settling in for a heavy drinking session on the foredeck, with the sunset as a pretty backdrop. It was a very pleasant spot for a drink.

The dolphins were still shepherding their boat, so there was no risk of aquatic tubiàn, they were anchored in a calm bay with the boat bobbing gently, and it was cool, but not too cold.

The girls sat mingled among them. Delphi was sipping on a water, having no desire for alcohol after the trauma of that blue bottle sting.

Baer was starting to get rowdy, regaling Niko with gruesome tales of his exploits fighting various tubiàn and the Emperor's soldiers.

Delphi looked over at Arrie, noticing she looked sad. It must be hard for her to sit in such close proximity to the man, while he largely ignored her, she thought.